These Heartbreaking Photos Of Zoo Animals Are A Plea For Help And Change
Along with circuses and research labs for experiments with animals, zoos are yet another type of institution often tainted by the cruel and unethical treatment of animals. Many zoos have unnatural environments with little daylight, poor (if any) natural floral variety, insufficient or low-quality food, little to social contact, and claustrophobically small living spaces. These stressors can drastically change and, both physically and psychologically, cripple and disturb these animals (referred to as interspecific hostages by some). But all of this can change with the German reform initiative called “Zoos of the Future.”
These portraits of animals in zoos by photographer Elias Hassos were published in German Greenpeace Magazine together with an article on the modern concept of the zoo. The article explores humane ways to keep animals in zoos without violating their rights while also conceding that zoos are still necessary for reasons like animal conservation and research. According to this concept, zoos would have more room for each animal and would have environments much more similar to the animals’ natural habitats. Animals at these zoos would spend more time outside their cages.
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Got wisdom to pour?
i never took my kid to a zoo because this is what they are like, it made me feel sick when i saw the expressions on the animals faces it was a mixture of boredom, fear, depression, they cannot hide they have no privacy. do not take your children to zoos they are not zoos they are prisons. if these animals could commit suicide they would have done, shame on us for paying zoos money to continue this parade of saddness
I would guess I am the 1st to add a comment is this IS heartbreaking. I resisted until now. Zoo’s? WHY? They are not for saving a species as sometimes reported. If you have a zoo near you, suck it and go there and then raise any and every concern you have with the… more than once, It is the more than once that counts. Having said my piece I want to compliment the photographers that did this. We just can’t be like the old joke, “I got some great action shots of a swimmer going down for the third time”.