If You’re Having A Bad Day These 20+ ‘Extra Fabulous Comics’ Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh
Zach is the artist and creative mind behind a comic series called Extra Fabulous Comic that he started back in 2011. The comics feature a lot of dry and sarcastic humor and once you get to know the author better, you’ll easily see why.
Zach says he started Extra Fabulous Comics as a last-ditch effort to find fulfillment in something. “I had gone to college for something completely unrelated and abandoned that field immediately after graduating. I was in an unhealthy long-term relationship working under an abusive manager at an awful grocery store. One day I tried to think back to when I last felt “fulfilled”, and it dawned on me that I was happiest when I was making my friends laugh with my drawings. Somehow, through years of schooling, that revelation escaped me,” told the artist in an interview with Bored Panda. Zach also added that if he had thought about it earlier, he would have started the comics years before he did.
The artist says he enjoys boiling things down and dissecting topics to the point where they’re unrecognizable. “I don’t really have much to say definitively, I just prefer to get people to smile and think and come to their own conclusions. Depression is perhaps the most enduring topic in my comics since it’s something that’s always on my mind,” says Zach.
He avoids telling people what to think and tries to create something everyone can enjoy. “My goal is to make something everyone can enjoy. It is important to take breaks from the never-ending news stream, and I think there is honor in providing a place where people can lower their defenses. That isn’t to say I haven’t made statements before, but I do often regret them afterward. Divisiveness has become the norm. I don’t want to fuel the extremism and hatred perpetuated by so many voices on both sides. I do have very strong beliefs, I just don’t believe I have the intelligence required to spew them into the masses.”
Zach says a lot of his comics come from dealing with pain through humor: “A lot of people use humor to deal with pain in their lives, and most if not all of my comics come from that place. I think that’s a big part of why some people like them. I’ve been very fortunate to have been able to connect with people in this way over the years.”
Check out Zach’s hilarious comics in the gallery below!
More info: extrafabulouscomics.com | Facebook | Twitter | h/t
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Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
Image source: ExtraFabulousComics
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