20 Relatable Posts About Life From This Meme Page

Published 10 months ago

When life is dragging your spirits down, one of the best remedies is to laugh at it. Whatever the situation may be, a little dash of dark humour will surely perk up those ironic moments. 

The “WTF Life Jokes” page aims to do exactly that with their relatable content that folks are finding to be wonderfully absurd. Scroll down for a little shot of surreal humour to chase out the moody blues one hilarious meme at a time. 

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Image source: The Wtf Guy


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Kylie: Finding out it wasn’t a girl.


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Jack Burton: Team Coyote here!


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Sue Denham: I believe this. Also: just when your pillow is worn in enough to be just right for you it *will* fall apart.


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes


Image source: WTF Life Jokes

Jack Burton: That’s damn scarry when you realize homeless people had pretty standard life before. Usually starts with unemployment, separation, health trouble, bankrucy, alcool… Can happen to anyone.


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Jack Burton: I take my showers after my shift at hospital, this is the basic hospital soap, raw as f**k. My wife use some expensive organic multi oil soap. I am smoother 😅😅


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Ottawa: I had read my horoscope in a satire magazine once. It said I would lose my job… I had in fact just lost my job 🤷🏻‍♀️


Image source: The Wtf Guy


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Nonna_SoF: With 100 mill I can send my mom on a dream vacation.


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Jack Burton: I’d say choose carefully the stuff you say to people.


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

LuckyL: I thought: everybody in a restaurant kitchen


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Jack Burton: Well… i’m no Henry Cavill but it worked for me, one time. It was 22 years ago and still running


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

BROmanicus85: I may be going to hell for laughing too hard at this one! :))


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Jakobi: Haha I got out of bed just before this


Image source: Wtf Life Jokes

Ovata Acronicta: I got so buff when caring for my grandma.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



chaotic, dark humour, funny, memes, relatable, unhinged, wtf life jokes