30 Examples Of Desperate Companies Trying To Sell Their Product With Evil Marketing Tactics
Ads are everywhere- social media, websites, hoardings, television, stores, newspapers, magazine, youtube, etc. Nowadays, people cannot live ad-free for a single day as they have become omnipresent. We have become so used to them that we don’t even realize that they are a part of our daily lives now.
These days, many ads are created by using false marketing techniques which has resulted in the loss of consumer trust worldwide. Often the advertising companies stoop so low to sell their products that they use filthy tricks and schemes. Some of these false marketing techniques are used to manipulate customers and are super annoying. Scroll below to see some of those evil techniques that marketers use to con their customers, and judge yourself!
#1 Advertise Free WiFi But Make Sure The Customers Know The Procedure For How To Pay For It
Image source: mauricewilliams455
#2 How To Disappoint Every Student On Campus
Image source: sharkyboi
#3 This Website Hilariously Just Stretches The Pixels To Turn Regular Clothing Into “Maternity” Clothing
Image source: LurkeyMcLurkersen
#4 Is That Really Free Delivery?
Image source: theskyopened
#5 This Vending Machine Is 100% Sold Out. It Only Tells You That Items Are Sold Out After You’ve Put Money In/Used Your Card
Image source: Digiboy62
#6 Trashy Company
Image source: mkbhd
#7 Man, That’s Really Cheap… Oh
Image source: LuMo096
#8 Packaging For These Markers
Image source: Chev_350
#9 Was Wondering Why It Ran Out So Quickly
Image source: GreenCupcake23
#10 I Have An Ad In My Fortune Cookie
Image source: Full_Metal_Machinist
#11 This “Gold” Chalk That My Daughter Received As A Gift. White Chalk Spray-Painted Gold
Image source: Benci007
#12 Food Delivery Service That Tells You “Someone Is At The Door! Okay We Lied”
Image source: kmartshoppr
#13 Who Thought It Was A Good Idea To Put An Image Of 7 Churros For The Sign Of 3 Churros
Image source: Imhereforgiofilmsbro
#14 Got A Letter In An Envelope Which Said My Lease Was Terminated. Just Another Ad
Image source: enderr920
#15 Bought A Chicken Pot Pie Thinking It Was The Size Of The Outer Tin Before Cutting Into It And Seeing This Monstrosity
Image source: ItRhymesWithFreak
#16 Chipotle Goes All-Out Advertising That For The Next Week Delivery Is Free, And Then Casually Makes The Delivery Menu Priced Higher Than The Regular One
Image source: Arucious
#17 So Basically Every Price
Image source: BrendanTFirefly
#18 New Cereal Box Is 11% Taller With 1.6% Less Cereal
Image source: ______———
#19 That Would Explain Why My Ankle Hurts
Image source: ASAPxSyndicate
#20 This “Avocado” Oil
Image source: BoringGrass0
#21 Imagine Cleaning A Fan So Well That You Uncover 2 New Blades
Image source: erkang06
#22 This “Dual” Camera Smartphone Doesn’t Have Two Functioning Cameras
Image source: Funnyonol
#23 When You Thumbs Down Trash Like This On Netflix But It Keeps Coming Back At The Top Of Your Homepage
Image source: wozmatic
#24 Unremovable Ads On My $2,500 Samsung Smart TV
Image source: BrownLandlord
#25 I Got A Ticket. No, Just An Ad For A Tattoo Place
Image source: Hummocky
#26 Walmart Employee Here. We Were Given These Shirts Today. Walmart Profits Billions Off Of This Pandemic, Then Compares Their Sacrifice To WW2 Veterans
Image source: TehAwkwardOne
#27 The Mixed Signals Of This Shoe Sale Advertisement
Image source: MNgirlinaNDworld
#28 Went In For The $1.99 Lunch Special. Sorry Sir, That Says $7.99 Lunch Special
Image source: JeffTrav
#29 Dish Network Sent Out Advertisements In Envelopes That Make It Look Like A Special Occasion Card
Image source: Pie-Makers-Mistress
#30 This Pamphlet I Got On My Door Making Me Not Want To Touch My Doorknob Until I Realized
Image source: yusefudattebayo
Got wisdom to pour?
On average, users spend about 2 hours a day on the Internet, why not use it to your advantage? Online advertising is a great way to make yourself known to a wide segment of users and reach your target audience. Here you can find out more about what is online advertising https://propellerads.com/blog/adv-online-advertising/ . At the same time, this is an opportunity to make offers as personalized as possible, which increases the effectiveness of marketing efforts
Managing advertising spend and optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI is indeed a common challenge in digital marketing. Businesses may also face other challenges such as staying ahead of emerging trends, keeping up with algorithm changes, and maintaining a consistent brand presence across multiple channels. It’s important to continuously evaluate and refine strategies, leverage data and analytics to inform decisions, and stay informed about industry best practices to overcome these challenges effectively. By adopting a proactive and adaptable approach to digital marketing, businesses can navigate challenges and achieve their marketing objectives successfully
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