10 Most Artistic Garments Seen On The Stage Of “World Of WearableArt Competition 2022”

Published 2 years ago

The World of WearableArt competition is an annual international wearable art competition that highlights the beauty of creative and innovative costumes. The competition, combined with an amazing stage show, in New Zealand gets lots of entries by “designers from all around the world working at the cutting edge of fashion, art, design, costume, and theatre, alongside students and first-time entrants.”

This year’s contest saw many aesthetic, dramatic, and ingenious outfits on the stage of the WOW Awards Show. Kate MacKenzie’s “Wanton Widow” dress was declared the overall winner of the show. Check out some of the best garments that were presented this year in the gallery below. And if you wish to participate in this brilliant competition, applications for their 2023 Competition are open for entries. So, go ahead and explore your creativity!

More info: WOW- World Of WearableArt

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#1 Neoru, Jayati Saraf, Pearl Academy, India

Image source: WOW

#2 Call of the Kōkako, Stephanie Cossens, New Zealand

Image source: WOW

#3 Life, Sun Ye, Ma Yuru & Zhou Honglei, China

Image source: WOW

#4 Beneath, Agnes Olah, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

Image source: WOW

#5 Haerenga (Journey), Christopher Davis, New Zealand

Image source: WOW

#6 Wanton Widow, Kate MacKenzie, New Zealand

Image source: WOW

#7 Hidden Layers, Anna Weszelovszky, Hungary

Image source: WOW

#8 This Is the Pyrocene, R. R. Pascoe, Australia

Image source: WOW

#9 Wild Things, Saar Snoek, Netherlands

Image source: WOW

#10 X-Ray, Lyndal Linton, Brett Linton & Harvey Linton, New Zealand

Image source: WOW

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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fashion, fashion show, wearable, wearable art, World of WearableArt, World of WearableArt award show, WOW award show