30 Terrible Inventions The World Would Be Better Off Without
It seems like there’s hardly a week that passes by without us hearing about some sort of new invention. However, not all inventions are created equal – and some were probably better off without seeing the light of day.
Recently, one Reddit user asked others to share some unnecessary inventions that the world would be better off without and received thousands of answers that we can’t help but agree with. Child beauty pageants, unskippable ads, fast fashion and more – check out some of the worst things invented by humans in the gallery below!
More info: Reddit
Image source: GloveExtreme
So called influncers, I’m probably too old to understand them but I certainly don’t want my 1 year old to aspire to be one
Image source: lempickavanille
Beauty pageants for children.
Image source: tommygunz007
For Profit Prisons.
Image source: Deb_bomb
the gender reveal party
Image source: Food404
“Smart” devices. No LG, i don’t want to download an app to use my f*****g washing machine, i want to wash my clothes ffs
Image source: flying-monke
Shark fin soup – Tens of millions of sharks are killed every year for their fins that offer little nutritional value and serve no purpose outside of being a status symbol
Image source: Free_Moose4649
Any product that you pay for, and then have to pay a subscription to use.
Image source: dacforlife
Reality TV. I swear it glamorized the worst kind of behavior, and we ate it up.
Image source: RichardDune91
Landmines. I’ll tell you why:
They render large tracts of land completely unusable
They are expensive and difficult to remove safely because there is seldom documentation of where they are placed
They are cheap, plentiful, easy to place, and deadly
They kill/maim livestock and wild animals
They kill/maim innocent people decades after conflicts have ended. Many times the victims are children because they can’t read or don’t understand warning signs
Image source: memmoria91
Seafloor trawling…
It destroys the habitant of fish just so we can squeeze every bit of a fish from an area…
Image source: Wes_Jelqer
40+ hour work week
Image source: jrmiv4
YouTube “endscreens” (or “endcards”) that often block content at the end of the video you’re watching.
Image source: ShippiWorld
Devices meant to break after a short period of time, and devices that purposely have parts you can’t replace.
Image source: PeterJQuill
Image source: c_fritz
Image source: Titanmaster970
Adblock detectors. Your site forces me to disable adblock? Ill just go to another site.
Image source: toodlesandpoodles
single use plastics
Image source: princesshaley2010
I’ve gone through a ton and haven’t seen this one. Slavery.
Image source: QBekka
Cookie pop-ups. How come we still don’t have a more efficient way to manage our browsing privacy.
Image source: ausaf_007
Unskippable Ads
Ads with sounds that play when your phones sound is off
Image source: pavonearse
Image source: denikar
Drug commercials. F**k me, your average joe, making drug recommendations TO MY DOCTOR – who spent 10+ years studying and working to be in the position.
Image source: Melonski-Chan
They’ve ruined the environment by killing off the pollinators. I swear, they will be the reason for more food shortages just as swiftly as climate change will affect us all.
Image source: Spookz03
Pop up ads. Not only are they so annoying but can either scam or install malware on the devices of unsuspecting people
Image source: HeckingLoveDogs
Auto play videos, especially in non video streaming websites. NOBODY asked for them, yet so much work is getting put into making it a web standard. Just f*****g stop
Image source: pyky69
Fast fashion. I can’t imagine the amount of cheap, tacky clothes just mountains in landfills.
Image source: prof_dynamite
Ads on streaming services that I F*****G pay for. You don’t need revenue, Hulu, that’s what my subscription is!
Image source: skifro
Convenience fees on debit/credit card transactions.
Image source: Pharo2929
Image source: TheDarkKnight1035
Got wisdom to pour?
Can I borrow any of these images if I credit them?