25 Opinions On The Worst Casting Choices In Hollywood Film History
One of the most tragic feelings is realising that a much anticipated Hollywood movie is sorely disappointing because of an actor’s inability to play that character. With so many great actors out there, it’s hard to see why some casting directors offer roles to actors who can’t carry the role. Maybe it’s internal politics or just their lack of vision for the project, but many movies have dismayed audiences because of a miscast. One self-proclaimed group of ‘film snobs’ have been sharing their opinions of the biggest mismatches in Hollywood online, from which we’ve posted the most popular suggestions in the gallery below.
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Image source: darth_hotdog, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Denise Richards trying to play a nuclear physicist in The World Is Not Enough. She’s pretty, but she’s about as convincing of a nuclear physicist as a dog chewing on an atom shaped chew toy.
Image source: Eh-Eh-Ronn, Warner Bros
Steven Seagal as… anything, I think.
Image source: dominatrixyummy, 20th Century Studios
Emma Stone as a half native-Hawaiian, half Japanese woman in “Aloha”.
No I’m not kidding, they actually did that.
Image source: ChronoAlone, Walt Disney Studios
Beyoncé as Nala in the 2019 Lion King. She was literally cast for the star power associated with her name and nothing else. Granted that’s true for 100% of the cast, but at least some of them had a good moment or two. Beyoncé though? Nothing. She was awful in every single scene she was in.
Image source: ACam574, RKO Pictures
John Wayne as ghengis khan.
Image source: Flicksterea, Warner Bros
Amber Heard in Aquaman. Or in anything, actually. Except the televised court cases she gave a stupendous performance there.
Image source: AndrewLBailey, Paramount Pictures
Any movie where Mark Wahlberg needs to appear intelligent. It can’t be done without him constantly verbally reminding the audience how smart he is. Even then it doesn’t work.
Image source: GunnerGitcha, Paramount Pictures
Tom Cruise playing the 6’5″ mountain of muscle Jack Reacher. Lost my s*it over that decision.
Image source: AlfaBetaZulu, Warner Bros
I’m not a film snob but Jared Leto as the joker stands out as a WTF? Choice.
Image source: gamernes, 20th Century Studios
Wilson for the part of Wilson in the movie Cast Away. Spalding was a far better choice.
Image source: MaddenRob, Universal Pictures
Kristen Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman.
I just watched this movie like last week; her every emotion looked the same. The thing is, I like Kristen in the new Charlie’s Angels (2019). I guess she just needs to find the right roles.
After I saw some of her darker, edgier, more indie roles, I realized she’s amazing when she’s given room to be subtle. Her energy is very reserved but it’s powerful. Personal Shopper (2016) is a strange movie that’s one of my recent favorites for example — highly recommend it.
Image source: outerheavenly, Warner Bros
Antonio Banderas as Armand in Interview With the Vampire. The character he played was supposed to be an immortal Slavic teenager. I grew up reading those books and when I was finally old enough to watch the movie, I was so, so disappointed.
Image source: Fogel87767, Universal Pictures
Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert in Les Miserables. He just can’t sing nearly as well as the other cast members. Especially for a movie that is a musical.
Image source: UCanArtifUWant2, Sony Pictures
I waited almost thirty years for a “Morbius, The Living Vampire” film …then they cast Leto. F**k. 😮💨😑🤮.
Image source: kenthels, Warner Bros
Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther
They cast the wrong berg , should have been Heisenberg
Edit: drinking and posting late is a recipe for bad grammar and spelling.
Image source: Tim3-Rainbow, Summit Entertainment
Nic Cage was considered for Aragorn. This proves that, no matter how bad it gets, we are not in the darkest timeline.
Image source: Dependent_Ad982, Warner Bros
George Clooney as Batman just because he was George Clooney. Worst batman imo in Batman and Robin.
Image source: Spindlebrook, Netflix
Robert DeNiro as the young Frank Sheehan in The Irishman. There isn’t enough makeup and CGI in the world to make that work.
Yeah, that was so dumb. No amount of CGI could make De Niro walk and act like a young guy. The whole ‘de-aging’ gimmick I think works for maybe a flashback scene or a cameo, but shooting a whole movie with it robs a younger actor of a role that they probably could have pulled off way better.
Image source: alienanimal, Miramax
Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York. She’s not bad, but can’t match Dicaprio and Daniel Day Lewis.
Honestly, Daniel Day Lewis was on another level in that movie. I remember watching it as a kid, and even then, I felt like I was watching Leo, Cameron Diaz, and a dude that time travelled from the turn of the century. Leo and Diaz basically play themselves while Daniel Day Lewis disappears in his role.
Image source: darth_hotdog, Warner Bros
Kevin Costner in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is a famous one, he didn’t do a British accent, so he’s like an american robin hood for no reason.
Image source: nerd1995, Warner Bros
Not a film snob, but to this day I cannot stand the casting choice of Johnny Depp as Grindelwald in the fantastic beast series. I f*****g love Depp, and think he got the s**t stick with the scandal stuff, but Grindelwald was SCANDINAVIAN for Pete’s sake, no amount of makeup was going to make Depp look like that. They should have had Mads Mickelson the entire time, or even a different Scandi actor.
Image source: WinterWizard9497, Paramount Pictures
The cast for the last airbender. The acting alone was enough to make it the worst movie of that year. I mean I’ve seen better acting in liberty mutual commercials.
Image source: anon, Universal Pictures
Maria Bello in The Mummy 3, replacing Rachel Weisz. It would’ve been better to say Evelyn died than to use Maria Bello.
The ‘joke’ about not being the same woman made me cringe. Should have waited for Rachel Weisz or yes, had Evelyn dead or just really busy with a library somewhere so it was a guy’s trip. I watched the movie at the cinema and haven’t been able to rewatch it.
Image source: brewshakes, Columbia Pictures
Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. His attempt at a British accent is hilarious.
Image source: glokazun, Sony Pictures
Who the @#&$ cast Topher grace as venom. Seriously the kid’s from the 70s show. He’s not scary at all. Especially when hes screaming in agony I’m just thinking to myself… this is bad.
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