25 Of The Most Coincidental Things Ever, As Share By People In This Online Group
The world can feel vast, yet sometimes, strange and serendipitous encounters remind us just how interconnected we are. Someone on Reddit asked, “Was there a time where you realized it was a small world after all?” and the responses poured in. From uncanny coincidences to mind-boggling encounters, here are some of the most memorable stories shared.
Have you ever had a “small world” moment that left you speechless? Share your story—it might just add to this delightful collection of uncanny encounters!
Image source: CichaelMlifford, Robi Pastores
I studied abroad in the US in my junior year of high school and was placed in a 400-people town somewhere in the midwest. My hostfamily took me to the closest McDonald’s one night and I overheard the only other customers speaking my native language. I turned around and it was my brother’s elementary school teacher and her husband on a US roadtrip.
Image source: tonderthrowaway, Alina Rossoshanska
I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and I moved to a tiny fishing village in Alaska for 7 years on an island with only 2,000 people or so. One day I get a call from my dad and step mom because they were on vacation in a small fishing town in Ireland named Cushendall and had run in to someone I knew. Apparently a random person on the street had heard his American accent and asked for some tips on places to stay nearby. My dad noticed that he was wearing a hat from the town I lived in and asked if he knew me, and he answered that he had just had dinner with me a few nights before all the way back in Alaska.
Image source: allaboutjb, Tembela Bohle
My husband, some friends and I had a drunken cab ride from Fremont street to the strip in Vegas a few summers ago. The driver was an immigrant from Serbia and was chatting with my husband about sports, soccer in particular, when I jumped in asking if he supported Red Star Belgrade. He went crazy – “f**k no, man, Partizan all the way!” and told us he had been a bit of a hooligan and had beaten many a Red Star fan. It was a memorable ride for sure, particularly as he was swerving the car like crazy whilst on his diatribe. My husband likes to remind me of the time I nearly got us killed by a crazy football fan.
Almost exactly a year later, we jump in a cab at the Venetian hotel in Vegas. The world cup is on, and the driver makes small talk about that days results. He tells us he’s from Serbia and this time it clicks. I tell him “hows about that Partizan?!” and he’s delighted I know of his team. My husband tells him that he drove us around a year ago and the driver exclaims “the Celtic fans from Glasgow!”
He continued chatting away about football til he dropped us off, remarking that France were due to play next but he didn’t like them because of “that f*****g Griezmann. Hate Griezmann.”
Any time we’ve watched a game with Griezmann playing hubby and I both shout “hate Griezmann!” in honour of our Serbian friend.
Image source: Bearded_Singer, Maurício Mascaro
I met a woman from Belgium at a party and asked her, as a joke, if she knew my childhood friend who had moved there when she was about 12.
Turns out that the lady I met at the party didn’t just know my childhood friend, but they were really close friends. party lady even put me and my old school friend back in touch.
Image source: cowboycasanovaa, Abby Rurenko
Coworker always said she liked my house. Turns out her grandparents built the house but had never met her.
Image source: BeNz_REDDIT, Thomas Haas
Im from germany so my family and I visited austria. We were on a 3000m Mountain and suddenly my art teacher stood behind me.
Image source: Milfueille, Ethan Brooke
I met someone in Korea while travelling. When I went back to work and told one of my colleagues about it turns out she was her bestfriend.
This happened to my wife.
She was getting her masters degree, and part of it was watching a nurse do a presentation on a baby she helped deliver 26 years before hand. This was done in a hospital on the other side of the US. As the nurse describes the case, my wife realizes that she was the baby this person delivered.
She walks up to the nurse and explained that the baby turned out fine. She literally made chit chat with the nurse who helped bring her here.
Image source: Morvack
Image source: wastingtoomuchthyme, Bryce Carithers
Used to pitch softball in the US and had a friendly rivalry with another team pitcher.”
“Went on vacation and missed the playoffs as I was in London. I’m checking out the royal museum and run into that pitcher on the day we were supposed to be playing against each other..”
“So we got a beer instead.
Image source: HeadbangerNeckInjury, Afif Ramdhasuma
Went to New York for a weekend with my girl a few years ago, we were walking up the Empire State Building and walking down the other way was my ex-girlfriend from my small town that i grew up in and had not chatted to for years.
I grew up in a small town in Southern England, wtf?
Image source: thunderfart_99, Markus Spiske
I went on holiday near the Everglades in Florida many years ago. I support an English football (soccer) team called Scunthorpe United. We’re not really good and we are in the fourth division of English football, we’re not like Manchester United.
Me and my parents stayed in a holiday home, and so we went to buy some groceries at the local Walmart one evening. So I go round one of the aisles – and there is a kid wearing a Scunthorpe shirt! Yep, of all the shirts of a sports team, there is a kid walking around with my team’s shirt on. I was just ecstatic to say the least.
Image source: victhemaddestwife, Thirdman
My ex-MIL is from Trinidad. We are in the U.K.
I work in a hospital. One day a new doctor started on our ward. We get chatting and she mentions she is from Trinidad. I say something along the lines of ‘small world, MIL is from there. She asks for MIL name and starts laughing when I tell her.
It turns out MIL and the doctors family have been friends for about 40 years and come from the same small town.
It freaked me out a little to be honest – I mean, thousands of miles away from Trinidad, and they are from the same small town!!!
Image source: slider728, Matheus Bertelli
I used to travel the world for work. One trip I was drinking with this guy in an airport bar in Texas. A few weeks later, I walk into a restaurant in Maracaibo, Venezuela and I hear “Hey slider728!!!” It was the bar dude from Texas.
Image source: maxdps_, Jonathan Petersson
I was moving and driving from NJ to FL, stopped at some random gas station in the middle of no-where South Carolina and had heard someone call my name.
It was an old high school friend from NJ who had moved away years before. No idea he even moved away and we were literally the only 2 cars at the gas station. It was extremely weird but we had a great laugh, chatted for maybe 10 minutes, and we went on our way.
Image source: CarWash_inMyDadsAss, Getty Images
A girl I went to elementary School with wound up in the same mental hospital as me.
My stepdad was south African. Ran his own business here in the UK. One day a new client comes in, they get chatting, and he notices my dad’s South African accent. Says he, too, is originally from SA. Asks my dad where he used to live, and says “me too !”
Comes back in the next day with a photo (black & white – little South African humour there) of a group of kids, aged about 10. Says to my dad ” this was a birthday party I went to when I was 10″ He points at a boy and says “that’s me”. Then he points at another boy in the photo and says to my dad “that’s you.” He had a photo of a party my dad had attended something like 40 years ago on another continent, and neither of them knew each other !
Image source: mozgw4
Image source: undecided_too, Muhammad Faiz Zulkeflee
I was introducing a guy to replace me at work in a town I was leaving. We had never met before, but it turned out he had not only worked (briefly) at the new place I was starting at, but also grew up in the house next to the one we just bought there.
Image source: calcaneus, Nachelle Nocom
Yeah. I dated a guy in college. Nice guy, we had fun. We were just too young to be serious, and that was that. Years later, and many miles away, I bought a horse. It was a random thing, just read an ad. His sister was the seller.
Image source: AmySchumersAnalTumor, Jaime Reimer
Yeah, my family and I had booked a kayaking trip on our vacation in Norway. We’re from a small town in Southern Wisconsin. Our tour guide was from a town 10 miles down the road.
Image source: lisanik, Matthew Barra
I was 5900 miles away from home on a ferry and ran into the parents of one of my students.
Image source: agilopika, Pixabay
We were on a family vacation in Greece. We met one of my mom’s former classmates while standing in line at a local attraction. The thing is, they were classmates in Romania, my mom lived in Hungary and the former classmate lived in the US and they haven’t met since graduation. And they both spotted each other in an instant too.
Image source: xGrandArcher, Joe Eitzen
Met a guy from work in Verona, Italy. We were there on a trip just for a couple of hours only.. and I met him there on some random street. That was some crazy a*s coincidence.
Image source: anon, Lubov Tandit
My brother went to Florida with his friends family. He met this girl there, hung out with her the 2 weeks he was there (with his friend too). About 6 months later he goes to Moscow with my grandfather for a trip to Russia (this was 1991). He’s at a shopping plaza near their hotel, who does he see, the same girl from Florida.
A few years back, my family was at the beach with my father-in-law. The waitress at one of the places we stopped for breakfast was my father-in-law’s neighbor growing up.
It truly is small world.
Image source: anon, Lisanto 李奕良
Yes, it was when a girl that I met at a water park showed up to my grandma’s funeral.
Image source: anon, Git Stephen Gitau
My (half-)brother recently left his wife and got a new girlfriend.
Turns out his girlfriend is the granddaughter of our dad’s ex-wife. My brother was once the step brother of her mother. In theory, he could’ve been her (step)-uncle now.
Small world indeed.
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