Working Dogs: Photographer Shows Some Of The Toughest Jobs For Canines
Cats might lounge around all day long and plan murder (or more lounging), but many dogs get to work. Photographer Andrew Fladeboe travelled to Norway and New Zealand to take pictures of various working dogs for his project The Shepherd’s Realm. Helping their human handlers with various difficult tasks, these dogs herd sheep and cows, sniff for bombs and conduct search and rescue operations.
“I think one of the reasons I decided to focus on animals is because I didn’t think anyone was portraying them the way I saw them,” he wrote to Slate. “The animals in our works stand on their own as sentient beings. They occupy the print with an aura of dignity and command a level of respect from the viewer. They are not anthropomorphic photos of animals, but a celebration of what these animals are for what they are. It is art for animals sake, not animals for arts sake.”
It’s all true. Either posing in front of majestic vistas of Norway and New Zealand, or hard at work barking at cows, these dogs look like truly magnificent animals. I wonder if they hate Mondays, too.
More info: andrewfladeboe.com | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram (h/t: boredpanda, slate)
Military Dog
Search-And-Rescue Dog
Epilepsy Assistance Dog
Bird Hunters
Police Dog
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