“Humour Tailored To Women”: 40 Funny Memes From ‘Women’s Humour’

Published 12 months ago

While psychologists have noted differences in the humour preferences of females and males, there’s a universal appeal to a good meme that transcends gender boundaries. Enter “Women’s Humour,” an Instagram account delivering jokes about the common and often troublesome situations in women’s lives. 

Despite its tailored approach, the humour on this page resonates across genders. The relatability and amusement offered by these jokes extend beyond pronouns, demonstrating that a well-crafted laugh can unite people from all walks of life.

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Image source: womenshumor

Raluca Neacsu: she’s right. worked for me hahaha


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: Ooh, they’re good.


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

NapQueen: You go, cows!


Image source: womenshumor

Owen: Step 1: Become a news anchor


Image source: womenshumor

BatPhace : My friend (who is also not pregnant but has a ton of hip and shoulder issues) swears by this pillow she loves it so much it has improved her life greatly so it’s not just for pregnant people


Image source: womenshumor

Mark: You’re not alone, I would’ve done the same thing


Image source: @_Ursh

Ria C.: She’s about to give someone A Long Kiss Goodnight. Imo Geena was gorgeous in that movie.


Image source: womenshumor

TotallyNOTAFox: That’s mean XD


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Trash Panda 🦝: *challenge accepted


Image source: womenshumor

Earthquake903: Accurate af


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Pernille.: I’m that friend, if anyone needs this kind of friend, I can be rented, but you need to pay me in cheese.


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Jack Burton: you can replace man by human i guess ^^


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

daggjc68: That’s wisdom.


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Amanda Fondaumiere: Its basically a giant lunchable


Image source: womenshumor

NapQueen: She lasted 47 seconds longer than I would, what a hero!


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: We absolutely do not. That is a barefaced lie.


Image source: @emily_murnane


Image source: womenshumor

BatPhace: Mine are in my car and I STILL FORGET


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

TotallyNOTAFox: Common sense isn’t as common as the name suggests


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

BatPhace: I stick with the oldspice ‘timber’ because I like the smell of sandalwood


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor


Image source: womenshumor

Owen: Danny DeVito was the best penguin. And he was creepy af

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



funny, funny memes, memes, relatable, women's humour, women's memes