Romanian Photographer Continues Photographing Women For Her “Atlas Of Beauty”
Beauty is everywhere, and for Mihaela Noroc that means human beauty. She travels the world photographing women in their natural environments. The pictures are going into her “Atlas of Beauty,” a celebration of the female form from all around the world. She has already been to more than 60 countries and she isn’t slowing down.
Mihaela Noroc is a photographer from Romania. “In my opinion, beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture. To be natural, sincere, authentic, particular, not necessary fashion,” Noroc writes on her website. “Maybe in 50 years all women from all around the world will dress and act the same. I hope my project will remain a witness of my era’s cultures and traditions.” We have already featured the first batch of her photos; you can check them out here.
More info: theatlasofbeauty.com | facebook | twitter | indiegogo (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
Beautiful images of beautiful women. I love to see how different they all look from various parts of the world. Very interesting project! Would love to see more.