‘Who Is Afraid Of Women Photographers?’ Exhibit Celebrates History Of Female Photography
Who is afraid of women photographers? That’s not an intro to a speech about a shadowy cabal of male photographers, it’s a name of a new exhibition in France. “Who is afraid of Women Photographers? 1839-1945,” splits the history of lady photographers in two. The first part covers the years 1839-1919 and is presented in the Musee de l’Orangerie. The second, situated in the Musee d’Orsay, covers 1918-1945.
The photography exhibits attack the subject from multiple angles. For example, how did the photography pioneers use their female gender as leverage, to photograph subjects not photographed before? How did it all change after World War I? How did the photographers turn the camera on themselves, exploring their identities and femininity? See it for yourself, as the expo runs from 14th of October to 24th of January, 2016.
More info: musee-orsay.fr | musee-orangerie.fr (h/t: featureshoot)
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