Russian Photographer Captures Adorable Photos Of Animals And Kids Playing In Snow

Published 10 years ago

Babies, animals, snow – a recipe for disaster, am I right? Apparently, no, because Russian photographer Elena Karneeva has done some kickass photo sessions that netted her editor’s choice on 500px. And the photoshoots are cuter than a schoolgirl with a basket of kittens. The children seem happy and sure of themselves, which is a welcome sight. The animals aren’t at all afraid, making this for a very warm – despite the snow – series of photos.

On the other hand, she is a professional and dedicated children photographer in Moscow. And if she can get children to be calm, it can’t be that hard to do it with animals, too.

More info: | Facebook | Instagram | 500px (h/t: boredpanda)

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Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Children And Animals Cuddle In Adorable Photoshoots By Elena Karneeva

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

Got wisdom to pour?



animal, animal photography, babies, baby photography, children photography, Elena Karneeva, full-post, nature, nature photography, snow