Wifie Material Professions

Published 9 years ago

So I thought the other day. Is there a way to target your affections towards women who have better chance to want what you want from life. We all had some terrible relationships… What if you could make more specific targeting. So you don’t waste more time on another crazy cute girl. And as I get older and older I start to think that I don’t need just a girl friend now. I need what me and my friends call “Future Wilfie”. So this is a women that has a chance of staying with me for longer time, maybe even build a nest together and so on and so on. So I have some demands. She needs to make my engine spark, she needs to be kind, intelligent and good with kids. So lets proceed. In this post we will check which profession has the bigger chance for wifie material.

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Hell, yes, I am listing teachers first. She has everything we are looking for. A teacher is stupid in very rare cases. She is obviously good with kids, to be able to teach them. Be careful though. She might try to school you too. But to be honest, if she does it without me realizing it is no problem…Teach me baby… teach me how to be your man.



In my entire life I have never met a cook with a bad attitude. (except that psycho but he is male so… argument invalid) They are always smiling, always cooking something fresh for you to munch on. If she is able to make a cake and candy no kid in the world would not pay attention to her.



She is self made, independent women. The force is strong in this one. She is a doctor, so tons of bonuses for your family… BUT! One wrong step and you will be kicked out of the hospital with a gunshot wound. She does not even blink when you watch horror movies. She is smart, duh. She can take care of you when you are sick or give you a sick note, so you can go on an extra vacation together. What more can you want. Another thing… I personally would go after a doctor, but a surgeon is the way a different story…



I don’t know what you imagine, but when I think about a cleaner I see a maid. And let me say that is not a bad thought. I actually have a friend that is now getting married to a girl that worked as a cleaner when they met each other. And she was a commercial cleaner. Working in an office building. Combining the office fantasy with the one with the maid! It can’t get better. But the reason why this profession is on this list is simple. Girls that work as cleaners are probably just trying to save some money for college a new car or whatever. They are not spoiled brats, in essence. They are organized, because of habits left from work. They clean your home with ease, so there will not be anything like …



She is intelligent, she is romantic, she loves story telling so kids are happy. As long as she does not have a pill or alcohol addiction it is all heaven. Obviously a good looking female writer with no addictions is harder to find than Pikachu. Anyway, for me it is the teacher or the writer…

Got wisdom to pour?



how to choose a wife, life partner, maried, sexy professions, wifie, wifie material