Man Plants 4 Miles Of Sunflowers In Memory Of Wife Lost To Cancer, Sells Seeds For Cancer Research
Babbette Jaquish loved sunflowers, so after she passed away from cancer, her husband Don decided to seed 400 acres of sunflowers. Thus Babbette’s Seeds of Hope was born. “She got to be known as the sunflower lady of the community,” Jaquish told ABC news, “So after she passed away, I thought it would be a tribute to her to plant 4.5 miles of sunflowers on each side of Highway 85.” They were planted this June, after renting land from understanding neighbors, and have now flowered.
Don Jaquish is planning to sell the seeds and donate part of the proceeds to hospitals, research, and patient advocacy. Babbette fought with cancer from 2006 to 2014, and medical trials helped a lot with her treatments. “She realized the importance of research in clinical trials. She went from being expected live two weeks to two months to nine years,” said Jaquish. “Her attitude was everyday I can stay alive I’m one day closer to a cure.”
More info: babbettesseedsofhope.com | facebook (h/t: abcnews)
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