40 Wholesome Stories That Prove There’s Still Hope For Humanity
With a global pandemic, hurricanes, and civil unrest in the streets, it can be hard to find some positivity in our daily lives. But don’t worry – not all hope is lost. There are still selfless people out there who are dedicated to helping those around them even during these tough times, and their stories will give you that much-needed dopamine boost.
People are sharing their most inspiring stories and they will prove to you that there’s still hope for humanity. Check out the wholesome stories in the gallery below and remember – sometimes it takes so little to make someone’s day, so why not do it?
#1 Helping Out Kids Without Fathers
Image source: FaisalTreShah
#2 Today Oliver Stopped Me Dead In His Tracks And Turned Back Around To See This Picture That He Spotted! He Just Stared At It In Awe
Image source: Ollie’s World
He recognized another boy like him, smiling and laughing on a display at Target. Oliver sees kids every day, but he never gets to see kids like him. This was amazing! I am so happy that other kids that pass through here with their parents, will see this! There is a lot of focus on representing diversity, but representing people with disabilities is just as important
#3 The Good Son
Image source: _sjpeace_
#4 Uncle Looks So Happy
Image source: kennya_ramos
#5 My Dad Hasn’t Painted In Over 30 Years. Now That He’s Retired He Decided To Pick Up A Brush Again
Image source: Takayda0808
#6 Wholesome Old Black Lady
Image source: thatgirl_stacey
#7 A Wholesome Flex
Image source: huskerdu_rag
#8 Sadio Mane, The Liverpool Star Earning Approximately $10.2M Per Year Has Given The World A Lesson In Modesty After Some Fans Spotted Him Carrying A Cracked iPhone
His response is legendary:
“Why would I want 10 Ferraris, 20 diamond watches and 2 jet planes? What would that do for the world? I starved, I worked in the fields, I played barefoot, and I didn’t go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools & a stadium; we provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips, and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me,” Mane said.
#9 Dr. Mohamed Mashali Was A Well-Known Doctor Based In The Northern Egypt. He Was Awarded With The Title “Doctor Of The Poor” For Serving His Community For Over 50 Years
Image source: MyNameIsPer
Mohammed Mashali once found a child that suffered from diabetes and needed insulin shot but couldn’t afford them, so he asked his mother to buy him some. Sadly his mother could not afford them either and the child passed away. After this, he moved to one of the poorest countries and began treating medical patients free of charge. He passed away on July 28, 2020. Days before his death he was still helping everyone he could
#10 It’s The Little Things
Image source: bella3774
#11 Spotted In Manchester, UK
Image source: lizzlenizzlemizzle
#12 I Love You Mom
Image source: ashleymcnamara
#13 Hearing The Words From Love
Image source: reddit.com
#14 Thanks Frankie’s East Aside Restaurant For Doing The Right Thing
Image source: noahsygg
#15 I Told My Grandma I Was Bisexual A Few Weeks Ago And Today She Gave Me This. My Grandma Made Me A Rainbow Sweater
Image source: sunatjexd
#16 After Almost 2 Years Of Dealing With Traumas And Depression I Finally Got The Motivation To Clean My Room Entirely
Image source: used_air
It almost took 9 hours, and 2 trash bags full with plastic bottles, pizza boxes and other trash. I’m proud of my work
#17 Single Dad In Thailand Wore A Dress To A Mother’s Day Event For His Sons So That They Didn’t Feel Left Out
Image source: kornpat.sukhom
#18 He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off
Image source: MasturbatingMiles
Had to bring them both food and water because he refused to leave its side day and night, very proud of him
#19 Don’t Forget To Appreciate Your Grannies
Image source: figgled
#20 The Left One Is My Art. Found The Drawing On The Right In My Little Brother’s Room One Day
Image source: Jojoes Art
#21 Doctors Told Us To Make Preparations For Losing Her, But After 5 Brain Surgeries My Baby Had Her First Disney Trip At 3 Years Old
Image source: Veatchdave
#22 Me In First Grade Pre Surgery vs. Me In 2020
Image source: Ipsi
Had several surgeries due to birth defects. Just completed the dental treatment (which included having my jaw wired shut for several months). Very happy with the results
#23 And All Of Those 12 People Are Happy For You
Image source: katyhelend
#24 Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Image source: akkitwts
#25 I Live In My Van. Found This On My Windshield This Morning
Image source: ryannefromTX
#26 My Son And His Best Friend, Both Told Their Survival Rate Would Be Around 2%, Walked The Stage And Graduated Tonight
Image source: Timfrostyo
#27 I Too Got Vaccinated Despite Having Anti-Vax Parents. Finally Got My Last Immunization Shot
Image source: PKBeNess
#28 Autism Be Damned My Boy Can Work A Grill
Image source: Eddie Gomez
#29 This Kind Gesture
Image source: tashymorgan
#30 Lost My Car Key While Jogging On The Rail Trail, Went Back Looking For It And Stumbled Upon This. I Owe My Whole Soul To Whoever Did This
Image source: Eliza Calverley
#31 My Little Brother Has Autism. He Turned 17 Today. I Came Home From Work To This Note
Image source: -TheOnlyOutlier-
#32 Well Done IKEA
Image source: abdirahims
#33 My 101-Year-Old Grandfather Threw A 100th Birthday Party For His Best Friend, Bob
Image source: Lourdez01
#34 I Asked My Mum To Make Me A Face Mask. I Guess Even After 40 Years I’m Still Her Little Boy
Image source: Andy_Cohen_1979
#35 My Brother Was The First To Graduate With A Master’s In My Family. My Dad Couldn’t Stop Crying
Image source: Jay_no_pho
#36 Why Am I Crying?
Image source: carlwheezersbby
#37 Such A Wholesome Sister
Image source: gratsonis
#38 Same Bike, Same Place, Same Girl. 71 Years Difference
Image source: RoloTonyBrownTown-
#39 My 11-Year-Old Daughter Has Insisted On Checking The Mail The Last Couple Of Days. Today, I Checked It. This Is What I Found
Image source: BallCoach79
#40 Kind Heart
Image source: FrozenChaps
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