30 Uplifting Pics That Prove Not Everything Is As Bad As It May Seem (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

There are days when things start going south the very moment you get out of bed: you overslept, missed your bus, got caught in the rain, and just to add insult to injury, got written up for being late. On days like these, everything around you may seem bleak and depressing, and you simply need something that would prove you that that’s not the case. And lucky for you, today we have just what the doctor ordered.

Today we have prepared you a collection of wholesome and uplifting pics that are guaranteed to make even the worst day just a little bit brighter. Check out some uplifting content shared by internet users below, and if you want more, make sure to read our earlier articles here, here, and here!

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#1 I Just Moved Into My First Very Own Place And Am Living 100% Independently

Image source: A-A-ron98

#2 Thank Goodness For Common Sense. I Wish It Was Free

Image source: jamestalarico

#3 Don’t Really Have Anyone To Celebrate With, So I Thought I’d Share With You Guys. I’m One Year Sober

Image source: trubexio

#4 Honouring A Brother

Image source: Molly_Schiller_

#5 For Those Who Step Up

Image source: KikkakPattyWak

My parents split when I was in first grade. My mom met my step-dad, mark, when I was in second grade. We moved in with him by the time I was in 3rd we moved in to his house. He treated my siblings and I as his own since day 1. He even would watch Gilmore Girls with me and my sister every afternoon. After my mom died when I was 16, Mark didn’t make us go live with our biological dad. He continued raising us as his own. He started out as my mom’s boyfriend and became my dad, my best friend, my go-to for advice.

Mark ended up working 3 jobs while having heart failure, asthma, and diabetes. He did everything he could to provide for my sister and I. He passed away 6 days before I graduated college in 2016. It’s been a few years but I still have trouble on Father’s Day. He could have ditched us when our mom died and we didn’t have enough income. But he didn’t. He was there fighting to put food on the table. Happy Father’s Day for all of the fathers who fight for their children.

#6 No Matter How Hard It Is, You Have To Try To Push Through

Image source: eric_clapp

#7 Important Memories On Google Maps

Image source: KarenBu32946258

#8 My Husband Grew Up Without A Dad. My Dad Is Taking Him On His First Father-Son Camp Out Today

Image source: springchikun

#9 It’s A Good Day

Image source: VerbotenPublish

#10 This Is Harith Al Sodany. He Was An Iraqi Spy Who Infiltrated ISIS And Saved Countless Lives By Stopping Suicide IEDs And Car Bombs. He Was A Hero Who Met A Tragic Death

Image source: kingjim1981

Let’s not forget him.

#11 This Little Fella After Winning First Place In A Bike Tournament

Image source: Zumcddo

#12 At The Salt Lake City Farmer’s Market A Few Years Back

Image source: pixamour

#13 Balloon Seller’s Kind Gesture

Image source: shannonhar95

#14 My Favorite Graduation Photo. This Woman At My Campus’ Subway Kept Me Fed For 4 Years, And When I Was Low On Money, She Came Through For Me

Image source: izeezusizeezus

I’ll never take her for granted.

#15 I Am Finally Cancer Free! Really Excited To Live Life To The Fullest And Have Fun Again

Image source: BeachMaster2454

#16 Keeping My Promise To Take Her To The Beach After Having To Cancel Last Year Due To Covid

Image source: bitchinawesomeblonde

#17 Random Girl At Farmer’s Market Seduces My Partner In Front Of My Very Eyes

Image source: thelasttrashbender

#18 He Has Cerebral Palsy, Mitochondrial Disease, And Was In Special Education Until The 7th Grade. He Just Graduated With His Aa And Highest Honors. Pride Is An Understatement

Image source: BumpoSplat

He just received a full-ride scholarship to the school of his dreams. My son is going to rock the world as a lawyer!

#19 Art Helps Me Stay Sober For 5 Years

Image source: SkrinT4

#20 In France, Peyo, A Beautiful 15-Year-Old Stallion, Often Comes To Comfort And Soothe Terminally Ill Patients At The Techer Hospital In Calais

Image source: sunhistory

The horse always chooses which patient he wants to see, kicking his hoof outside the door.

#21 Nepalese Climbers Removed 2.2 Tons Of Rubbish From Everest While Tourists Were Away

Image source: Dull_Tonight

#22 A Year Ago I Was Depressed And Suicidal. Today Things Have Gotten Better

Image source: NEDudcat603

#23 When My Grandad Passed Away My Grandmother (She Is 85) Started Learning Painting To Distract Herself. After A Year She Gave Me This Painting

Image source: s4ymyname

#24 This Is The Day Our Daughter Was Declared In Remission From Stage 2 Liver Cancer

Image source: docungurus

#25 My Local Wildlife Shelter Had One Of Their Soft Release Raccoons Manage To Sneak Over The Fence And Into The Deer Pen. Adorableness Ensued

Image source: th3dj3n1gm4

#26 Parenting Done Right

Image source: anna_gazmarian

#27 I Have Cerebral Palsy, Which Has Always Made It Difficult For Me To Run And Jog

Image source: karlbarxalot

Today, despite my disability, I jogged 3km (with a few walking breaks) and I couldn’t be more proud of myself! Here I am, happily post-jog!

#28 Wholesome Neighbours

Image source: conniebliff

#29 Just Look At This Sweet Old Girl Celebrating Her 15th Birthday

Image source: louiseaveryb

#30 Still Doing Good Deeds

Image source: TUSK81

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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uplifting pics, wholesome, wholesome pics