30 Of The Most Inspiring Couple Posts

Published 4 years ago

There’s hardly any other feeling out there that could be compared to love. That is because love makes us experience so much emotions: happiness, warmth, sadness and sometimes even frustration. It truly is a roller coaster – but it is one that neither of us can live without.

Today we have prepared you a handful of the most wholesome couple posts that will prove you that true love is undying, and there’s nothing that can stop it – not distance, not years, not anything. See some of the most adorable and inspiring couple post shared by people in the gallery below!

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#1 Marie’s Family Abandoned Her After She Married Jake, Her True Love In 1948. They’re Still Happily Married For Over 70 Years Through The Power Of Love

Image source: Keith Anderson

Her dad told her, “If you marry that man you will never set foot in this house again.” Mary soon learned that most people felt the same way. The first years of their marriage living in Birmingham were hell – no one would speak to them, they couldn’t find anywhere to live because no one would rent to a black man, and they had no money. But they didn’t give up.

Gradually life became easier. Mary got teaching jobs, ending up as a deputy headteacher. Jake worked in a factory and then got a job at the Post Office. Slowly they made friends, but it was difficult. Mary used to tell people, “Before I invite you to my home… My husband is black.” Some would never talk to her again.

Last year they celebrated their 70th anniversary and they are still very much in love, and never regretted what they did.

#2 Husband Spends 2 Years Planting Thousands Of Scented Flowers For His Blind Wife To Smell And Get Her Out Of Depression

Image source: soranews24.com

#3 91 Year Old Vivian Boyack Marrying Her Girlfriend Alice Dubes After 72 Years Of Relationship

Image source: Corbis Images

#4 The Davids

Image source: KAreports

#5 If This Isn’t Goals Idk What Is

Image source: keenertaylor

#6 This Couple And Their Cockroach

Image source: scribereamo

#7 Every Day My Parents Play Mario Kart 64 To See Who Will Make A Cuppa Tea. They’ve Done This Religiously Since 2001

Image source: bork1138

#8 An Old Man Taking Pictures Of His Wife Without Her Realizing

Image source: justanordinarydad

#9 Quarantine Doesn’t Stop Husband From Supporting His Wife During Her Chemo Treatments

Image source: Kelly Harrell Conner

“No visitors allowed for Chemo due to the virus but that didn’t stop Albert L. Conner! Thank you for all your continued love and support.”

#10 This Vietnamese Couple Has Been Married For 70 Years

Image source: corgems

#11 Beautiful Couple

Image source: AD_GD

#12 60 Years On And My Grandad Still Looks At My Granny With So Much Love

Image source: lucyvlt

#13 I Married My Best Friend This Weekend

Image source: letouxftw

#14 This Is Who I Married

Image source: reddit

I was painting my nails and made a comment that I forget I don’t have to paint my pinky nail on my left hand. I simply forget that I lost my pinky, but it is always kind of a bummer when I am reminded. Matt said “I will be your surrogate pinky. You can paint my pinky to match your nails for the rest of our lives”
And so we did…
I cannot imagine a sweeter, kinder man. No words adequately describe our love.

#15 They Were Surfing On An Ironing Board In A Rain – Now I Understand The Importance Of Finding Someone To Grow Old With

Image source: Forrison_Hard

#16 Howard Foster And Myra Clark Reconnected And Married More Than 45 Years Later After Racism Forced Them Apart. They Now Hold Hands While They Fall Asleep Every Night

Image source: Myra Clark

#17 He Was Dirt Poor, She Was Rich. Her Family Threatened To Disown Her If She Married Him

Image source: mrsboucher-

She decided she loved him more than any inheritance and went on to marry him and have two kids. He loved her so much he died holding her hand. Ladies and gentlemen, my grandparents.

#18 I Think About That A Lot

Image source: tiffany_tran7

#19 My Mom Fast Asleep And Holding My Dad’s Arm About 30 Minutes Before He Passed Away. I’ve Never Shared This Photo Before, But Thought It Was A Great Picture Of True Love

Image source: Tazmerican

#20 Proud Dads

Image source: terrell.and.jarius

#21 40 Years, Folks. 40 Years

Image source: Chris Porsz

#22 The Coolest Couple I Know 1972 / 2019


Image source: Detroitaa

“He was in law school, so he needed a reader (the university provides them, for the visually impaired). She was his reader. They became friends, and then…”

#23 We Were In A Long Line At The Grocery. This Man Said He Had To Go Use The Restroom, But Instead He Secretly Bought Flowers For His Wife And Hid Them Behind His Back

Image source: iteachonmars

#24 Japanese Married Couple Wears Coordinated Outfits Everyday

Image source: bonpon511

#25 This Adorable Arab Couple

Image source: reddit

#26 Candid Shots Show A Victorian Couple From The 1890s Who Cannot Help But Laugh When Getting Their Picture Taken

Image source: imgur

#27 Smart

Image source: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U

#28 The Couple On The Woodstock Album Cover, Still Together 50 Years Later

Image source: jmlevinemd.com

#29 This Is True Love

Image source: intellectualimagery

The story behind this picture of my grandparents: They have been married for over 60 years. My grandmother is suffering from dementia and has recently had a stroke. But as soon as he walked in she said “that’s my boyfriend Willis” and he laid there with her.

#30 I Have Covid And My Fiancee Leaves Food For Me And Then Sits In The Hallway So We Can Eat Together. Tonight I Got Surprise Hot Cocoa

Image source: alittleredportleft

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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couples, cute, wholesome, wholesome couple posts