What Designers See Vs. What Everyone Else Sees (12 Pics)
It’s all about the visuals these days, whether it’s your cereal box or a poster on a bus. We, the ordinary kind, might not notice the subtle nuances in these creations but what may look OK to us, can make a designer’s eyes burn.
Creative market, a platform for handcrafted design content, feels the pain of their fellow artists, so they came up with a witty way to illustrate their everyday struggles in 12 different situations.
Designers do judge a book by its cover and we are totally fine with it ’cause you guys make the world a nicer place to live in. If ever in doubt, remember, if you can’t make it better, make it bigger!
More info: creativemarket.com (h/t: designtaxi)
Got wisdom to pour?
pretty accurate…loved the restaurant menu most
pretty accurate…loved the restaurant menu the most