You’ll Be Surprised How People With Color Blindness See The World (10 Pics)
How do people with color blindness see the world? Thanks to a website called color-blindness.com, those of us, who have to ask this question, can get a glimpse.
Contrary to popular belief, color blindness doesn’t actually mean that people see the world in black and white. In fact, more than 99% of all colorblind people do see color. Because of this, the term “color vision deficiency” (CVD) is considered to be more accurate. According to color-blindness.com, around 0.5% of women (1 in 200) and 8% of men (1 in 12) suffer from some form of CVD. There are several variations of vision deficiency, such as Deuteranomalia (which makes everything look a little faded), Protanopia (which makes everything seem a little green), and Tritanopia (greenish-pink tones), and only around 0.00003% of the world’s population suffers from total color blindness (Monochromacy).
Now take a look how the world looks through different CVD lenses. (h/t: brightside, boredpanda)
Normal vision
Total color blindness (Monochromacy)
#1 Pug In A Tulip Field
#2 Stoplight
#3 Rainbow Hair
#4 Melody Of The Night By Leonid Afremov
Image source: Leonid Afremov
#5 Nyan Cat
#6 Parrots
Image source: Joeybatt
#7 Tomatoes
Image source: emily blincoe
#8 Frida Kahlo
Image source: Vogue
#9 The Simpsons
#10 Autumn
Image source: valiunic
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