30 Things People Do Alone At Home That Would Make Any Guest Wonder
Living alone opens up a world of freedom and, let’s admit it, some quirky habits that would probably be judged if anyone were around. Living solo, people develop these unique routines as they become fully at ease with themselves. What may seem weird to one person is just the ultimate expression of “home” to another.
Reddit users recently shared the strangest things they do when nobody’s watching, and the responses range from amusingly relatable to outright bizarre. Here are some of the best ones.
Image source: QuirkyForever, Kaboompics.com/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Have conversations with myself.
Image source: Kajeke, Lukas Faust/Pexels (not the actual photo)
What can be eaten with a spoon, will be eaten with a spoon. Spoons are a very underrated utensil and it escapes me why they aren’t more socially acceptable.
Image source: intermentionz, RDNE Stock project/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Sometimes I just sit in random corners cuz I pay for them lol.
Image source: LongjumpingScore5930, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Im naked 24 hours a day unless i have to go out to a store or my nephew is visiting.
Image source: Comfortable_Long_574, George Redgrave/Flickr (not the actual photo)
Eat breakfast whenever I want.
Image source: BlackEagle0013, Alan Levine/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I generally eat my meals on a little folding table in my living room floor in front of the TV. During the pandemic, I ordered a white cloth and black napkins and fancy silverware and a little candleholder for it. And now I set it like a restaurant when I cook myself dinner. Because it cheers me up and I like it.
Image source: Sticky_Cheetos, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
I dress in ball gown I found at goodwill and drink tall boys while doing puzzles and listening to murder podcasts. Every girl deserves to go to a ball.
Image source: astrophysicsgrrl, Francesco Ungaro/Pexels (not the actual photo)
I have full on conversations with my cats. Idgaf I will argue with those f****n’ weirdos that live with me rent free.
Having to “convince “ myself that I’m not lazy. But I am. I don’t want to do s**t. No house work, no walking on my treadmill. No cooking. No getting gas for my car. I don’t mind going to work. I get “entertained” by them (coworkers and patients). I love hearing the planes fly over my house. I’ve chilled for hours in my living room doing absolutely nothing. No TV, music or reading. Just me and my quiet self time.
Image source: letsride70
Image source: AmbitiousAd9320, Anna Nekrashevich/Pexels (not the actual photo)
15 king-size pillows on a full mattress. I sleep like a dog.
Image source: PSVita_Tech_Support, Wendy Harman/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I leave a post it note on the fridge with the date, time and location of where I’m going if I’m going somewhere other than work. In the event I disappear mysteriously or get into a wreck that is not reported, to save my family some grief. ?.
Image source: Misty-Anne, Klaus Krumböck/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I set up my hammock right in the middle of the living room.
Image source: LivingAlone, Mike Burns/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I sleep on a full size mattress in a camping tent in my bedroom. It took me five years of living alone to finally decide I’m gonna do whatever I want to do, and that’s sleep in a tent every night. I love it.
Image source: superjoe8293, hermaion/Pexels (not the actual photo)
I can’t remember the last time I closed the door while taking a number 2.
Image source: DeanKn0w, cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
White noise blasting so loud it’s like I sleep under Niagara Falls.
Whenever I start dating someone, they typically disapprove. Good thing they don’t live there.
I procrastinate tons of stuff that I need to get done and wallow in the joy of not having anybody around to call me out on it. It’s truly awesome.
Image source: highheeledhepkitten
Image source: zombiesheartwaffles, Jim Reynolds/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I have pirate themed bathroom decor because I can.
My shower curtain is a cat with a trident riding a T-Rex.
My bathroom is themed clown!! no one can tell me no! lol
Image source: Kale7574, Chris Short/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I sleep on my matress, DIAGONALLY ?
I also write very personal notes on my fridge, it would embarass me if someone read them. I bought some magnetic whiteboard sheet and my fridge is like a whiteboard tower. I recently made a pro/con list about a relationship that didn’t work out, and I needed to have everything in sight, and add stuff on the go.
I really love it, and the upper area has a calendar I made, with all the upcoming appointments and errands. It makes me feel like I have a direction.
Image source: anon, lisaclarke/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I’d say my weirdest is not putting laundry away. I live out of a laundry basket- who cares ?! ??
Image source: Parrot132, Wellness Wildflower/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I eat everything out of Rubbermaid and Tupperware containers, no dishes.
Image source: tcarmel, Marián Šicko/Pexels (not the actual photo)
Learn dance routines and then show them to my dog and 2 cats. They don’t seem to appreciate all the hard work I put in.
Image source: Fluffy_Flufflebug, Andrew Malone/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I paint my house to suit ME! Bright orange laundry room – yes! Sunny yellow kitchen – please! Purple dressing room etc etc. after literal years of being mindful of “resale value” I bought a really old home and just paint colors that make me happy 100%. Life is just too short for “resale value” in my opinion. Also? Looking into adult dog bed – omg can I fill it with my Squishmallow friends??
Image source: Dr_Spiders, Lisa Zins/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I have devoted 3 full rooms to cat stuff and built a catio off the back of my house. I am determined to give my own cats and my fosters the absolute best. It’s all enrichment in the tiger enclosure now.
Sometimes when I’m bored, I’ll narrate my activities David Attenborough style.
Image source: yours_truly_1976, billac/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I eat a WHOLE CAKE (not all in one go though) by sticking the fork right in the middle. I ain’t sharing. Why do I need to slice it up?
Image source: SoLongEmpress, हर्षल /Pexels (not the actual photo)
I sing to the dog pretty much all day.
Image source: sadpantaloons, sweet_redbird/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I like to blast music and clean my house/do chores in chunky platform boots. Sometimes I pretend I’m being followed by a camera in a music video. Just makes me feel silly and confident, momentary dopamine hit all to myself.
Image source: smarmy-marmoset, Tom Thai/Flickr (not the actual photo)
Accommodate every single one of my cat’s needs and preferences. The litterbox is in my bedroom. So is her food and water. I don’t know why she wants it this way but she’s made it clear she does
We have a queen sized bed. I have my side. The cat has her side. The top has a fluffy cat bed. The bottom has a pet heating pad and she goes back and forth
A tv tray is pushed up to her side of the bed with her food on it so she can have breakfast in bed. And lunch. And dinner. Imagine me trying to have a partner in this living situation lol.
Image source: BisforBeard, Mace Ojala/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I have a buddy that sleeps in a hammock that he hung in his bedroom. Note: he is almost 50 and single. ?♂️.
Image source: No-Palpitation-5499, David/Flickr (not the actual photo)
I have theme rooms.
My master bedroom has the color scheme that I wanted to have when I was a kid. I have a picture of the sunset the day I moved in. I want to paint that on the wall too. My basement is being turned into my own gym. I am excited about that. Though omg the money spends so quick.
Same! My completed bathroom is “evil sea witch”. My 1/2 completed bedroom is “galaxy night” with Galaxy wallpaper on the ceiling. And my kitchen/living room is gothic cottage core. My master bedroom and bathroom are just going to be full on red and black Gothic, I’m letting my inner teenager run rampant (I bought a black toilet I’ll install when I renovate)
Got wisdom to pour?