30 Times People Found Amazing Secondhand Items And Shared Them In This Facebook Group (New Pics)
If you love the joy of finding amazing secondhand items, then you’ve come to the right place. Today we are sharing some photos from the Facebook page- “Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared“.
Originally created for a group of close friends and family, the Facebook group later became a museum of weird and wonderful secondhand stuff. As the founders have asked people on their page to “share the odd, unusual, and wonderful pieces that you come across whilst thrifting, visiting yard sales, estate sales, antique stores, etc”, many folks have submitted various fascinating things. Scroll below to see some of them, and don’t forget to check out our previous post here.
More info: Facebook
#1 Finally I Have Something To Share,, My Beautiful Find At Abbie Ann’s In Akron Ohio,,i Am In Love
Image source: Amy Love Starr
#2 Mini Tent Used For Display At An Outdoor Gear Store That I Found At A Flea Market. Now A Cat Bed
Image source: Laura Peterson
#3 Suitcase Wall
I’ve collected suitcases all my life. I have found them at thrift stores and garage sales and sitting on the side of the road. I also have had friends donate them to me when they know I collect. My father was in the Air Force and my brother and I were born in Germany and the two burgundy trunks on the bottom row are the steamer trunks that brought us back from Europe to Canada on the steamship. My mother used to share a story how a nun saved me on the ship trying to crawl over the side! I think some may be interested in what I may keep inside. The labels do tell what’s inside of each. I store lots of things in them. I have a knitting suitcase, with yarn and knitting books, etc., I have photograph suitcases, (when we used to have photographs), I have a collection of plastic animals for when my grandchildren come over as well as many other suitcases with toys in them for my grandchildren, material, beads, a sewing/mending suitcase, a suitcase for screws, a suitcase with a drill in it… I could go on and on and on and on. It’s all pretty organized and getting more organized all the time as I sort through and give away lots of things that I don’t need anymore. One of the trunks is a Christmas trunk and one of the trunks stores my patio cushions from my patio furniture and another trunk stores my mother’s dress form and material and patterns for when I’m going to get to those projects.
Image source: Theresa Rose
#4 My Dad Drove By This Up On The Side Of The Road For Trash Pick Up
He went and knocked on the door to make sure they were really throwing it out. It’s an OLD sea captains chest. It was the guys great grandmothers that she had inherited. It’s awesome.
Image source: Jamie Murphy Flynn
#5 I Bought A Dollhouse At A Garage Sale For My Daughter And I To Redecorate But Andy And Rosey (Our Foster Kittens) Are Little Freeloaders And Decided To Move In!
Image source: Chrissy Maude
#6 He Is From Facebook Marketplace
Had to have him!! My mom has one and I always wanted my own. Hope y’all can appreciate my garden gater Steve. ? he is placed where the water comes off the porch to look the most terrifying. ?? I live in Alabama so kind of unusual to see a alligator running around unless your in southern Alabama where the swamps are.
Image source: Carlie Tinsley
#7 My Daughter Was Excited About Her Thrift Store Find. I Think The Photo Definitely Is Weird And Wonderful
Image source: Catherine Menendez Prebble
#8 My Collection Of Coffee Tables Grapes Several Years In The Making
They were found at Goodwill, estate sales and yard sales. This is what happens when you are denied a set of table grapes as a youth… it turns into an obsession. Bejeweled banana for scale
Image source: Willette A. Hall
#9 Found This Gorgeous,boho /Hippie/Vintage Daisy Crochet Blanket At Goodwill In Oviedo, Fl. For Under 5.09. It Matches My Daughters Bedding Perfectly!
Image source: Amanda Cruz
#10 Saw This At An Estate Sale But Couldn’t Afford It…
Then the next morning when I woke up I saw it sitting on my porch because the woman knew where I lived and there was a note attached to it instructing me to have it for free that she sending it over with love and that she believed it would be in the right home if it was with me… feeling over joyed!
Image source: Lynda Gumaskas
#11 Because Frames Are Therapeutic. Thrifting Them, Arranging Them And Then Arranging Them Again. Perfect, But Not
Image source: Jessica Martelle
#12 A Lady In My Neighborhood Wanted This Out Of Her Garage And Gave It To Me So I Dusted It Off And “Fixed” It. My Buzzkill Friend Said I Ruined It By “Weirding It Up”. I Beg To Differ
Image source: Andrea Weber Smith
#13 Found This Beautiful Stained-Glass Peacock Years Ago At A Yard Sale
Image source: Kristi Higgins
#14 Bucket-List Buy In Indiana Last Weekend, Found On Ebay
Just in case you’re curious, the 8 foot Sinclair Dinosaur will fit in a minivan. Second pic is his new home in my front yard.
Image source: Amy Wade Ernst
#15 Well That’s Not Fricken Weird At All…. Watching The New Marvel Movie “Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings” And I See This. Found This In A Storage Locker Full Of Antiques Years Ago…
Image source: Gary Wood
#16 I Found A Cat Size Couch, I Repeat, A Cat Size Couch (And It Was Only 4.99) Thanks Goodwill
Image source: Danielle Fisher
#17 Started Collecting Uranium Glass About 9 Months Ago From Local Thrift Stores And Antique Shops
I went a lil crazy with it, but I love it! I found LED black light strips on Amazon and taped them on the bottom of each shelf. I found some black velvet fabric and used 5 thumb tacks and draped it down the back, then cut pieces to fit over each shelf. So no damage to the cabinet at all.
Image source: Kenneth Wenzel
#18 I Found This Gorgeous Artwork At A Thrift Store In Knoxville. I Don’t Know Who The Artist Was, But I Think Freddie In The Style Of Gustav Klimt Was A Fantastic Idea
Image source: Dorothy Crawford
#19 Goodwill Cashier: “You Know Cinderella Is Missing Her Head, Right?” Me: “Yep! And A Hand!” *happily Pays $1.99 And Goes Home To Complete Macabre Art Project*
Image source: Janelle Scheffelmaier
#20 My Wife Saw This Lamp Creation On Facebook Marketplace And Sent It To Me Jokingly
We laughed. Three days later it was in our house. Apparently it was a show piece in a store previously. Updates as this really blew up: We paid $175. All lamps are wired to one plug and we turn it on through a smart socket app on our phones. We do not want to sell it. We love it as much as you do.
Image source: Neil Allen Moherman
#21 I’ve Been Collecting Fiesta Ware For Years Now And I’ve Got The Perfect Rainbow Tea Cup Display. All Of Them Came From Thrift Stores, Antique Shops And Garage Sales Around Minnesota
Image source: Haylee Anderson
#22 My Dog, Jake, In His Halloween Costume
I bought a pair of toddler-sized khaki pants and. Toddler-sized red polo at a local thrift store, then did a lot of dismantling/resewing to make them into a Jake from State Farm outfit.
Image source: Judy Kriehn
#23 Hey You Guys! Look What I Found At My Favourite Local Thrift Shop…its The Itty Bitty Park Bench That I Didn’t Know I Needed!
Let me tell you, it has quickly turned into the #1 gathering spot in my garden too! “Ben Nanner” and the chipmunks love it!
Image source: Melissa Payne
#24 I Will Always Love This Door Not Only Because Of Its Beauty
I will always LOVE this door not only because of its beauty, but because of it’s “Why”…My boyfriend called me one afternoon and said he “got me something“ and I was going to love it and that he found it down one of the backroads thrown out to the trash near our 110 year old farmhouse we had just bought and were restoring. IT WAS THIS DOOR and I loved it “as-is”. He spent hours removing the old paint to restrain it and hung it in the entry way to my walk-in closet I will always LOVE this door not only because of its beauty, because of its “Why”
Image source: Karen Waters
#25 A Neighbor Put This Fabulous Green Velvet Sofa Out On The Curb. It’s Mine Now
Image source: Gloria L. Kenyon
#26 Am I Too Late For The Stained Glass Train?
Found this beautiful piece at a local estate sale. Probably cost me less than a dollar? Purchase with a stack of things for $10. Has a chain to hang it, but I have a valance that would cover it, which I’m not willing to take down (so much sun!) So it leans against the window above my sink. *scale banana, for scale of course!*
Image source: Carissa Thompson
#27 Possibly My Favorite Vintage Purchase Ever
I turned this vintage pink camper into a playhouse for my daughters. The camper was purchased at an auction near Newton, Kansas and the vintage contents have all been collected at thrift stores, garage sales, auctions and Goodwill.
Image source: Cristy Harder
#28 I Might Just Have Won This Whole Weird And Wonderful Finds Game… Oscar The Grouch, Via A Buy Nothing Group On Facebook. I Love Him So Much. This Is Him In My Home
Image source: Val Sutton
#29 Finally Found A Paper Bag Vase At Our Local Goodwill! I Was So Excited I Snatched It Up As Quickly As I Could. It Looks Different Than Most Others Ive Seen. Its Not Glossy At All And The Details In It Are Amazing. I Am In Looove With It!
Image source: Lana Spencer
#30 I Found This Horror / Gothic Couch In A Thrift Store In NYC And Had To Have It!
Image source: Dylan Ezzie
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