25 Strange Little Things Everyone Does But Never Mentions, According To People Online

Published 3 months ago

Every now and then, someone poses a question that brings out the quirkiest, most universally relatable secrets we share. Recently, a Reddit user asked, “What’s a weird little thing that we all do or experience, but no one talks about?” The flood of answers revealed just how much we all have in common — even in the strangest of habits.

Here are some of the most popular, relatable responses from Redditors that might make you say, “I thought I was the only one!”

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Image source: PonyPornThrowaway478, Miriam Alonso

One weird little thing we all do but rarely talk about is replaying imaginary arguments or conversations in our heads, often coming up with the perfect comeback we wish we’d said at the time.


The farts that roll up your v*gina are pretty weird. Image source: giggells


Image source: MistressOfArousal, Ralph Chang

Pretending not to see someone you know in public to avoid that awkward “hi” moment. We all do it, don’t lie.


Image source: rci_ancilla, Kaique Rocha

Withessing some (random) person doing something really embarassing to themself and actively choosing/doing our best to ignore it and moving on. This is empathy. RedeRules770: At work once this lady bent over to grab her purse and whatnot. I happened to be facing away from her and she tooted, just a little one. She said “oh! Excuse me!” I turned around with a confused look and said “for what?” She looked SO RELIEVED and said “oh, never mind”

She’ll never know that I know.


Image source: C_jk, Andrea Piacquadio

When a random embarrassing/cringe memory floods the mind and the best you can do is try to blurt out some incoherent words, sounds, melody to distract yourself.


Image source: Wild_Offer8678, KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA

Make up excuses to get out of invitations to social gatherings and other events you don’t want to attend.


When you snap out of a daydream while you’re driving and quickly check all your mirrors as if you might catch a glimpse of a huge accident you caused. Then wonder how the hell did I drive this far and can’t remember. Image source: TheDrKirk


Anyone else having entire conversations with themselves? Like, full on talking at the 2nd person, like you’re talking with someone else and trying to explain something? Sometimes even out loud (but in whispers so you don’t look like your insane. Then you realize you’re whispering to yourself and you look even more insane). Or am I just really lonely? Even weirder, for me it happens in another language. I’m not English native, but I start talking with myself and arguing in english. Also, do you guys/girls move when you’re talking? On the phone, for example. I can’t stand still. I’m literally walking circles around my own room. Sooner or later I’m gonna start digging out trenches like some Looney tunes cartoon. This also happens when talking by myself. It’s like moving my body allows me to think and explain better. Image source: InteractionIll5071


Image source: agent-assbutt, RDNE Stock project

When you’re pooping in a public bathroom and strategically plan your exit for when it’s empty so no one associates you with the smell of poop or farts you might have unleashed.


Image source: The_fury_2000

“When hot in bed, we don’t just throw the covers off. We stick out a single leg….except we don’t just “dangle” it outside the covers, we wrap it around the duvet and kinda clamp it back down. No one has ever shown us how to do this. No one ever taught us to do this. No one has ever discussed this. We just all do it. ”


Image source: Fatchance82, Ron Lach

Disgustingly brutal intrusive thoughts. The ones that would shatter your world if it happened.


Image source: Graphite-and-Glitter, Yan Krukau

Picking our noses. I mean, c’mon. Sometimes a tiny, golden morsel is stuck in just that one irritating spot where you can feel it for minutes – or hours – and there’s no Kleenex in the vicinity. So up goes the finger and out comes the booger. Flick it, eat it, wipe it on your jeans. Whatever. Gotta get rid of it.


Image source: felcher_650, Luis C. Tavera

Look at other people’s food as waiters bring it to their table at a restaurant.


I feel like deja vu isn’t discussed often enough. Not the “this feels like something I’ve been through” but legitimate “I had this exact dream and now it’s happening”. We all have that s**t and no one talks about it. Image source: metatron121


Image source: shavemejesus, Anastasia

Picking our underwear out of our a*s crack.


Before going to sleep, check how much sleep time you have. Image source: AccurateTea7059


The gross feeling of sitting on a toilet seat after someone else warned it up. Image source: adams_burner_account


How much middle of the night calf cramps f*****g hurt. Image source: Captain_Comic


The little shake we do when we get under a cold cozy blanket. Such a privilege. Image source: eccentriccity


Image source: To_Fight_The_Night, Mint_Images

The things we smell sometimes. Our own farts. Our hands after scratching an itch in your pants….we all do it when we are alone. It’s actually biologically ingrained in us to “like” that smell. Our brains give us a little dopamine for checking….if the smell is off we know something is wrong.


Wiping your a**e then looking at the paper. Image source: Popular_Upstairs_777


Putting the last chunk of deodorant back on after it falls on the floor. Image source: bluebearthree


Image source: MaggiePuffxoxo, Ketut Subiyanto

When we accidentally spit on someone when talking and all act like nothing happened. potsgotme: And you can still feel it on your arm and you wait til they look away so you can wipe it even though you both know they just f**king spit on you while locking eyes.


Image source: raginghappy, Mark Paton

Hearing a weird brief tone in one ear. galloping_spider: The aliens tuning in. UncoolSlicedBread: When I was little, I would pretend that it was my spidey sense picking up on bad guys somewhere. As an adult, I prefer that it’s my spidey sense picking up on bad guys somewhere.


The secret thrill of being the first person to use a new jar of peanut butter, and sliding in the butter knife with grace and care to carve out a perfectly-formed morsel of legumic joy. Image source: Glade_Runner

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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strange things, strange things people do, weird, weird things, weird things we do