30 Weird Things This Guy Found Over The 2 Years He Was Working As A Plumber
Being a plumber is a dirty job – but someone’s got to do it. On many occasions, plumbers not only have to deal with clogged toilets and dirty pipes in small crawlspaces but also encounter previous “fixes” by self-proclaimed handymen that can quickly turn an easy fix into an expensive repair. One Imgur user, Bfizzle, has been working as a plumber for two years and has recently shared his collection of all the weird and funny things he encountered on the job that would make any homeowner cringe.
In an interview with Bored Panda, the 27-year-old man said that one of the most common reasons he gets called is because a house has cheap plumbing. “For example, if you buy a $50 toilet, you’re going to have issues with it in the near future,” says Bfizzle.
#1 Your Sewer Is Blocked
Image source: Bfizzle
#2 Candles Left On The Toilet Tank
Image source: Bfizzle
“Another big thing is that home builders don’t ever think ahead, I had to replace a shower valve yesterday and there was a fireplace behind it so the only way to access it was to smash the tile inside the shower,” explained the plumber.
#3 In A Chinese Restaurant
Image source: Bfizzle
#4 Reach For It
Image source: Bfizzle
“The plumbing code exists for a reason, and just because an inspector passed off on it doesn’t mean it is [up to code],” says Bfizzle. “Inspectors don’t go in your crawl space and aren’t really even tested on their code knowledge. A certified plumber will know.”
Check out all of the bizarre things this plumber encountered at work – we’re sure they’ll make you appreciate this profession even more!
#5 I Guess It Works
Image source: Bfizzle
#6 Neat Tub Shower
Image source: Bfizzle
#7 What Did You Eat Sir?
Image source: Bfizzle
#8 Don’t Like The Leak? Put A Cork In It
Image source: Bfizzle
#9 A Repurposed Toilet
Image source: Bfizzle
#10 Also Found Digging
Image source: Bfizzle
#11 Homeowner Did A Remodel, Needed To Downsize The Shower
Image source: Bfizzle
#12 The Day After Taco Bell
Image source: Bfizzle
#13 Homeowner Fixed His Own Leak
Image source: Bfizzle
#14 This Is Why Your Faucets Have Low Flow
Image source: Bfizzle
#15 Why Does My House Smell Like S**t?
Image source: Bfizzle
#16 That’s Not How Grounding Works
Image source: Bfizzle
#17 Another Repurposed Toilet
Image source: Bfizzle
#18 Big Apprentice, Small Crawl Space
Image source: Bfizzle
#19 Yet Another Handyman Special
Image source: Bfizzle
#20 How Not To Stop A Leak
Image source: Bfizzle
#21 The Handyman Special
Image source: Bfizzle
#22 This Is Why Your Kitchen Drain Backs Up
Image source: Bfizzle
#23 Don’t Flush Tampons
Image source: Bfizzle
#24 No Words
Image source: Bfizzle
#25 An Old Water Heater
Image source: Bfizzle
#26 That’s Not How Venting Works
Image source: Bfizzle
#27 How Not To Stop A Leak
Image source: Bfizzle
#28 Hose Bib Leaking? Slap Another Valve On!
Image source: Bfizzle
#29 Found Underground
Image source: Bfizzle
#30 That’s One Way To Replace A Water Heater
Image source: Bfizzle
Got wisdom to pour?
Probably every third person has encountered the problem of a clogged toilet at least once in their life. This problem always takes you by surprise and brings with it a number of inconveniences. If you still missed the moment with the harbingers, do not rush to despair, because there are cases when you can clean the toilet without the help of a plumber. If the situation is serious, you can always find help here https://drainmastersplumbing.com.au/blocked-drains-gold-coast/