Reddit Users Share 30 Everyday Things That Should Be More Socially Acceptable
We humans are pretty weird, especially when it comes to social norms. Since there isn’t really a handbook to tell us exactly how to act in all situations, we mostly have to abide by certain unwritten rules that everyone just silently agrees to. However, just because a lot of people universally agree about what’s considered acceptable and what’s not, doesn’t mean that it makes sense.
A little while ago, Reddit user sadboi017 asked people to share some things that are considered socially unacceptable for no reason and received numerous answers that will make you rethink some of the ridiculous social norms that we’re used to. Check out some things that should be more socially acceptable shared by Reddit users in the gallery below!
Image source: SJBailey03
Turning down an invitation to go out simply because you’d rather stay home with your pets, save money, and preserve your mental health in glorious solitude.
Image source: SilllyWoman
Not wanting to hold other people’s babies…
Image source: Drakeskulled_Reaper
Leaving without giving an “acceptable” song and dance about why you are leaving, with leaving because you have basically reached your limit with socializing being “not a good enough reason”
People who can stand to be around other people for huge amounts of time, more power to you, but me? I can’t do that, and I don’t want to have to make up an excuse to do so.
Image source: FaroutIGE
waking up at 11am or later
i’m not lazy. my responsibilities are taken care of. i stay up late and value my sleep hours.
Image source: Waddlow
Not answering your own door. When there’s like a salesman at someone’s door, they won’t want to answer but they will act like no one is home, and be really quiet so the person outside the door doesn’t hear them. But it’s your house. I could just stare at a salesman out the window as he rings my bell, who cares. It’s my house. I don’t have to answer my own door, for whatever reason I deem acceptable. You came to my house, not the other way around.
Image source: chewblekka
Using swings/playground equipment as an adult. I friggin love going on the swings, I’m 30 and it still fascinates me that I can quickly and easily get 10-15 feet (or higher) in the air with some simple leg movement.
One day I was at a fairly deserted local park on the swings having the time of my life. Suddenly Karen shows up with her two ankle biters, hands on her hips and yells at me “WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THERE?! THE SWINGS ARE FOR THE KIDS, NOT ADULTS!”
My tax dollars paid for these swings, and there’s no sign saying that I can’t, so I’ll use them as much as I damn well please whenever I want. How much tax did little Johanathan and little Kymburleigh Pay last year? None? Guess they can’t use the swings either.
Image source: Briannarhea1513
My dad gets SUPER offended when I put my elbows on the table. I still dont know why.
Image source: TotallyRealFBIAgent
Running everywhere instead of walking.
Image source: pressureshack
I’m a grown man and I love flowers. Not even ‘masculine’ flowers, I have an orchid collection.
Image source: RattusDraconis
Being open/honest about not having kids. In my personal life I have gotten more ridicule and very pointed questions bordering on disrespectful over being childfree than about any of my other opinions.
Once I said I wasn’t having kids my family became obsessed with whether or not I was dating, and who, and oh, what if HE wants kids? What if I meet the “perfect” guy, but he wants kids? Well, then I guess he’s not the perfect guy for me. Simple as that. I don’t want kids, and no, I don’t have to give you a detailed bullet list about why I’m not having kids because what I decide to do with my uterus is none of your business.
Image source: GoabNZ
In some places, calling in sick, because it’s “letting down the team” or whatever. Screw off, I’m sick as a dog. There’s little I will accomplish other than feeling like death warmed up, so you aren’t missing out on much. Plus I could spread whatever I’ve got to coworkers, then we’re all sick
Image source: Virtue00
Men crying. It’s seen as a weakness typically rather than compassion.
Image source: LoverofCatsandTSwift
Image source: katartsis
Napping at work during my lunch break. I don’t really need food in the afternoon, what I really need is a nap!
Image source: BigEarsLongTail
Skipping as an adult. It’s unfortunate because it is faster than walking and much more fun than running.
Image source: -eDgAR-
Being single.
Some people are okay not being in a relationship for some time and are perfectly happy, but other people just don’t understand that.
Image source: sugarnipples231
Going out for dinner by yourself
Image source: Phyr8642
Wearing a surgical mask when you are sick to prevent giving the illness to others.
Eating lunch alone in your car at work. It’s quiet, comfortable, and I don’t have to make small talk when I’m trying to have some ‘me’ time out of the office.
Image source: abandoned_firehouse
Image source: selux
Not drinking alcohol around others who are drinking. People don’t like it
Not hiding your tampon when you go to the restroom
Image source: IwishIhadbiggerfeet
Image source: SomeCrows
40+ male at a playground
Yes I have no partner, yes that’s my 6 year old kid having a blast
No I’m not a pedo but thank you for your questions and passive glares
Seriously, how and why the f*ck did society decide that certain sounds will corrupt children?
Image source: depthandbloom
Image source: pm_me_n0Od
Being honest when asked “how are you”
Showing distaste for ones family in any way, shape, or form
Image source: Foodcity
Image source: TheBananaHamook
Apparently self defense isn’t allowed in schools. I guess I just have to accept the beating.
Wearing the same clothes 2 days in a row
Image source: ManyDeliciousJuices
Image source: merabih
Having fun as an adult. Fun has no expiration date, you don’t suddenly no longer qualify for fun and have to live a life of watching the news and drinking coffee. People shame adults for doing fun things and that’s absolute nonsense
Not wanting to make small talk. Sometimes being alone in a public place is my only alone time.
I have to put on the show at work and talk to people ALL DAY LONG and if I just want to sit in a bar or cafe or on a bench by myself and stare at my phone I shouldn’t be forced to exchange small talk with someone just because they happen to be in the vicinity of me.
Like currently, I’m having a really bad day and just want to go sit and have a drink and stare at cats or something because being in my house is making it worse, but I can’t, because I’ll be forced to chit chat with someone near me.
Image source: romperstomp
Image source: orbesomebodysfool
Going to the movies alone.
Got wisdom to pour?