Internet Users Discuss The Most Alarming Science Facts They Know (25 Facts)

Published 7 months ago

Science can be as terrifying as it is fascinating, offering a stark reminder of the delicate balance we live in and the need for continued curiosity and vigilance.

When someone posed the question “What’s a scary science fact that the public knows nothing about?” on Reddit, the platform’s users did not disappoint. The thread quickly filled with responses ranging from the creepy to the downright terrifying. Here are some of the most spine-chilling science facts that emerged from the discussion.

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Image source: PsychologicalBend467, Alex Green / Pexels

Trauma can cause structural changes to your brain. PTSD is literally an injury.


Image source: TheJWeed, Rachel Claire / Pexels

I only recently learned that when you get sunburned, the burn isn’t because of skin cell damage. The UV radiation damages the DNA. Then the skin cells decide to commit s***ide and fall off so that the damaged DNA doesn’t produce cancer. I’ll never be mad at my skin peeling again.


Image source: PurnimaTitha, Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

A lot of people in rural towns with an elevated cemetery around (this happens in Ireland a lot)….there is formaldehyde leaking into the drinking water. But it won’t kill you, but the thought of drinking dead people juice is probably equally bad. Sorry not sorry.


Image source: anon, NEOM / Pexels

At any given time the Earth can be hit with a gamma ray burst. We won’t see it coming since it moves at the speed of light and all life apart from deep underground or deep in the ocean will be wiped out in minutes. Although unlikely it can happen at any time.


Image source: To_Fight_The_Night, Robina Weermeijer / Unsplash

Brain aneurisms can be completely unpredictable and can happen at anytime in your life no matter how healthy you are. A kid who I went to high school with at the age of 16 just did not wake up one morning and his cause of death was a brain aneurism.


There’s many unknown and forgotten diseases trapped in the permafrost and it’s slowly but surely melting away. There’s been a few cases in Russia (while exploring for oil/gas I believe) of people dying of strange diseases that we have no idea how to treat, because they’ve basically been hidden there since before medicine even existed. Some could be contagious, we just know very little about it.

Image source: Incorect_Speling


Image source: gogojack, Nandhu Kumar / Pexels

The plague is still out there. The Bubonic Plague is endemic in many parts of the world, but cases are very rare because we’ve got it pretty well handled.

If there’s a general breakdown in society like a nuclear war, super volcano eruption or asteroid impact?

It’s out there waiting to come back.


Image source: younaughtypossum, Nothing Ahead / Pexels

That you should never use bleach to clean cat pee.
The combination creates Chlorine gas that is very toxic.


Image source: FormalExplanation412, Nataliya Vaitkevich / Pexels

Homeopathy does not work and it’s only proven effects derive from the so-called placebo effect.


Image source: sanderjk, Pixabay / Pexels

Reverting global warming does not unmelt the south pole.

Antarctica is a giant ice mountain (size of US+Canada, average 1km thick) on top of land that is studded by plates of ice in the sea. Think of a very slow moving pudding held in place by a little edge.
All the modeling suggests that once you lose those plates, eventually all the ice will slide into the water.

To refreeze the plates once they are gone, you need an ice age of about -2C to preindustrial, or -3C to current.

There is a 70m of sea level rise of ice on the south pole. The models swing widely on how long it takes to melt on a bunch of factors, but it could be less than 2 centuries for the first 10m.

So either we geoengineer to cool at least the south pole by a tremendous amount, or to hold the ice in place, or in time all coastal regions are lost.
The plates are still in place, but the warmest one is showing signs of stress and thinning. It is linked to 7m of sea level rise if it fails.

To me this is more threatening than any other climate change catastrophe.


Image source: Ocksu2, Robin Kearney / Flickr

I don’t think this is scary, but some tin-foil-hat types might.

The frequency range that 5G utilizes is the shared with the C-Band frequency range, which commercial satellites have been utilizing for the past 50+ years. If 5G frequencies do anything to humans (They do not) then they have been doing it on a global scale for decades.

Source: I’m a senior engineer at a global satcom company.


Image source: DonkeyTron42, Polina Tankilevitch / Pexels

If you’re exposed to rabies and start to show symptoms, your chance of survival is virtually zero percent.


Image source: soldinio, Elianne Dipp / Pexels

Blue whale fart bubbles are big enough to hold a racehorse.


Image source: Magoogooo, Quang Nguyen Vinh / Pexels

50% of insects have disappeared since 1970. Insect population is down 27% in the last 30 years. Declining between 1 and 4% each year depending on the genus.


Image source: crusttysack, Michael Burrows / Pexels

All onions (all veggies in the Allium family) are toxic to dogs. Worst senario then can develop is AIHA, Auto immune hemolytic annemia, whereas the body destroys its own red blood cells. This disease is about 80% fatal. My dog caught it (we are not sure from where) but is was a primary disease (not a result of a cancer). We think he was eating leeks out of the garden. Took a week in the hospital, 2 blood transfusions, and about 6 months of meds to get him back. He started at 45lbs and was down to 19lbs at the worst part of it.


There is a naturally occurring thought in many humans named “The Call of the Void” where, without reason, humans see a way they could die and they wonder whether they should kill themselves, even if they have no real intention of doing so

Edit: Yes, the true term is “L’appel du Vide”, the French term for “Call of the Void”. Also, thanks for the awards! I believe this is my first gold.

Image source: Pixelpeoplewarrior


Image source: MonsieurReynard, Helena Lopes / Pexels

Microplastics in the food and water supplies are crossing the blood/brain barrier.



Many antibiotics make hormonal birth control stop working. Not just a fact but a warning.

Image source: stopnoyoustop


If your dog swims in a lake after receiving a spot on flea treatment – it absolutely decimates the invertebrate population.

A large dog swimming in 8 Olympic swimming pools worth of water soon after treatment will leech enough neurotoxin to kill 50% of the lake’s invertebrate population within 48 hours. I say “after” I mean relatively soon after, within say a day, to have an effect quite this devistating. The leeching does reduce over the month, but it’s still there and the effect of multiple dogs still allows for a terrible buildup of chemicals.

Image source: pbourree


Image source: anon, Chokniti Khongchum / Pexels

Antimicrobial Resistance

The bacteria are getting resistant to the medicine much faster than the rate at which we are producing new medicine.

Soon we will reach a scenario when antibiotics cannot treat simple yet lethal infections.


Image source: Chariatid, Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

When doing an autopsy they don’t put the organs back where they belong, they are all stored in the belly.


Approximately 30% (in some reports) of the world’s population have the parasite toxoplasma gondii in their brain. For a long time it’s through to have been a benign presence, but recent statistical research shows that it may have an impact on things like levels of anger and rates of accidents and suicide.

When gondii is on rats it changes their behaviour so that they find the smell of cat urine sexually appealing. So they find cats and get eaten. In the gut of the cat the parasite can reproduce.

Image source: nervouscrying


Politics plays a huge part in scientific research.

Image source: anon


Limnic eruptions.

There are pockets of Co2 trapped under lakes all around the world that can be released at anytime creating an invisible tidal wave that kills everything in its path. Since it’s heavier than air you will just suddenly start choking and die.

Image source: MurderDoneRight


An electric current of only 20mA is enough to stop your heart and kill you. Under the right conditions, even a nine volt battery can be lethal

Tldr: we humans are incredibly easy to kill.

Image source: Ka0z_WARRIOR

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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disturbing science facts, scary facts, scary science facts, science facts, weird facts