20 Of The Oddest Recipes Found In Old Vintage Cookbooks
If you’re looking for a themed dinner party idea, how about “Weird Old Food”? Apparently, back in the day, people were especially creative with their food preparations to a shockingly strange degree.
One Instagrammer has created an interesting collection of recipes from vintage cookbooks she owns. You can check out some of the quirkiest culinary concoctions found on her page in the gallery below which are bound to make you go, “Wait! Somebody actually ate that?”
#1 Ducklings Afloat On A Pond Cake (The Wilton Way Of Cake Decorating, 1979)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#2 Sugar Cube Castle (Holiday Cookies, Sweets, Appetizers And Meals, 1986)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#3 Salmon In Bladder Of Pork (Loving French Cuisine, 1995)
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#4 Molded Egg Salad (Betty Crocker’s Smart Cook, 1988)
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#5 Chutney Aspic (Trader Vic’s Pacific Island Cookbook, 1968)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#6 Spaghetti Ring Florentine (Better Homes And Gardens 1988 Best-Recipes Yearbook)
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#7 Shrimp Cucumber Aspic (Southern Living 1983 Annual Recipes)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#8 Rice And Salmon Mould (Gelatine Home Cooking Secrets, 1975)
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#9 Soup On The Rocks (Campbell’s Soup Ad, 1956)
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#10 Ham Buffet Mold (Campbell’s Great Restaurant Cookbook, U.s.a.)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#11 Stuffed Flank-Steak Roll (Time Life Illustrated Library Of Cooking: Appetizers, Beef, Breads And Rolls, Breakfast Quick Breads, 1969)
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#12 Lobster Salad Heligoland (Gourmet’s Old Vienna Cookbook, 1959)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#13 Shrimps In Aspic (Grand Diplome Cooking Course, Volume 8, 1972)
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#14 Shrimp Tree With Curry Sauce (Great Recipes Of The World)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#15 Piped Clown (The Wilton Way Of Cake Decorating, 1979)
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#16 Frankfurter Crown With Kraut (34 Selected Recipes For Delicious Dishes And Dinners With Kraut)
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#17 Lemon Dill Shrimp Mold (Wilton Entertaining Appetizers To Desserts, 1994)
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#18 Lettuce-Wrapped And Stuffed Fillets Of Fish (Victory Garden Cookbook, 1982)
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#19 Fun At The Fair Cake (Wilton Yearbook 1977 Cake Decorating)
Image source: weirdoldfood
#20 Rag Doll Cake (The Wilton Yearbook Of Cake Decorating, 1978)
Image source: weirdoldfood
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