20 Weird Vintage Recipes That Probably Taste As Bad As They Look (New Pics)

Published 4 years ago

All of us have that one older distant relative who always brings the most bizarre meals to every family gathering – and almost all of them include Jell-O. And if you always wondered how on Earth do the come up with these recipes, just open any vintage cookbook and you’ll quickly realize that uncle Elroy’s jellied herring is not even the worst of it.

The users of the Questionable Vintage Recipes Facebook group are sharing the weirdest old recipes they’ve stumbled upon, and some of them will haunt your dreams. Check out some of the worst ones in the gallery below, and if for whatever reason you want more, see our earlier post here!

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#1 Who Doesn’t Love A Little Whipped Cream With Their Angel Food?

Image source: Emilie Kovalik

#2 Questionable Vintage Recipes

Image source: Jason Sachs

#3 Questionable Vintage Recipes

Image source: Robin Lee Miracle

#4 Tonight’s Dinner Sorted!

Image source: Glenn Raymond Hadgkiss

#5 Not Quite Sure What To Make Of This

Image source: Joann Cataldo

#6 That Might Explain Some Things About The 70s…

Image source: Reverse Wine Snob

#7 Anyone Have The Recipe For This One?

Image source: Van Rose

#8 A Personal Favorite, Conceptually. From That 70s Ww Recipe Deck

Image source: Meredith Elliott

#9 Where A Lot Of ‘Salads’ Got Their Jell-O From. Special Non Sweet Flavors

Image source: Kenneth Influencer Charles

#10 Why Not Slice The Banana?

Image source: Nancy Rees

#11 Some Of These Look Good…

Image source: Michelle Lynn Ryan

#12 May I Present To You…. Shrimptree! Seemed To Be A Trend In 1965

Image source: Alison Novak

#13 I Teach Culinary Arts. One Of My Fav Classes Is Garde Manger. My #1 Rule: Tread Carefully With Animals (Cucumber Sharks, Ugh) But Never Make Food Look Like Other Food. Below Is The First Slide In My What Not To Do Presentation

Image source: Ridire Quinn

#14 I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Had A Stuffed Party Pickle Slice. Surprised They Didn’t Suggest Putting The Party Pickle Innards On A Saltine!!

Image source:  Linda Lackner Donovan

#15 I’d Eat It

Image source: Nancy Ann

#16 I’m Going Through My Mom’s Recipe Box Since She Passed Away. I’ve Come Across Some Lovely Recipes (Heh) Including This Gem. I Hope It’s Okay For Me To Share A Few More Later

Image source: Peach Kay

#17 Questionable Vintage Recipes

Image source: Romney Ryan

#18 Questionable Vintage Recipes

Image source: Bonnie White

#19 Questionable Vintage Recipes

Image source: Nancy Rees

#20 Kielbasa Legs! Ahh My Polish Grandmother Would Have Blown Her Cigarette Smoke On This In Absolute Delight

Image source: Misfit History

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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bizarre food, cooking, cooking recipes, food, vintage recipes, weird food, weird recipes, weird vintage recipes