20 Of The Most Ridiculous Stock Photos Shared By The “Dark Stock Photos” Twitter Account
The world of stock photography is a weird one. It seems like you can find a stock photo for any situation you can possibly think of. And when I say any situation, I mean it, including the dark ones. But don’t just take my word for it – there’s a whole Twitter account dedicated to sharing the darkest stock photos out there, and it’s hilariously bizarre.
The Twitter account in question, Dark Stock Photos, regularly shares the most mind-boggling stock photos, and has nearly 500k followers anxiously waiting for their latest post. Check out a collection of dark and ridiculous stock photos shared by this Twitter account in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous post here!
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
Image source: darkstockphotos
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#1 looks… familiar… :)