13 Times Brides Wore Dresses With Pockets And Couldn’t Be Happier
Having pockets on men’s clothes seems to be the norm – heck, even some hats have pockets on them. This is not the case for women’s clothing though. Most of it doesn’t have pockets at all or has those terrible fake pockets where you can only stick half of your fingernail in. Talk about equality, huh? So imagine some women’s’ surprise when designers decided to add pockets to not just any regular clothes but to actual wedding dresses!
Twitter user Esther Kezia Thorpe shared a photo of her friend’s wedding dress that had pockets on it and the women on Twitter just couldn’t get enough of it.
Image credits: EstherKeziaT
I mean, having pockets on a wedding dress seems like the logical thing to do – men’s suits have them, so why not add them to the gown as well? After all, where is the bride supposed to put her stuff? Or her hands when she’s having a drink?
Image credits: EstherKeziaT
Esther’s post even started a hashtag, #weddingdresswithpockets, and it quickly went viral with women sharing their own pocketed? Pocketful? Uhh, dresses with pockets.
Image credits: MonFineis
Image credits: MonFineis
Image credits: traceelc
Image credits: traceelc
The looks on the brides’ faces say it all.
“Wedding dresses are often not designed with practicality in mind,” said Esther in an interview with Bored Panda. “But a wedding is the one day a bride is unlikely to have a handbag handy, so pockets are more essential than ever for tissues, lipstick, and of course, snacks (no one wants a hangry bride!)”
Image credits: KateFreelance
Image credits: KateFreelance
So put in your phone, your lipstick, keys, some snacks or whatever you want – you have pockets!
Image credits: erinbiddlecombe
Image credits: erinbiddlecombe
Image credits: jorylynn24
Image credits: jorylynn24
Image credits: jorylynn24
Image credits: jorylynn24
Image credits: LaGrindley
“Pockets on women’s clothing has been a growing issue for a number of years, especially as we become more attached to our phones,” added Esther. “It’s very rare to see any women’s clothes with adequate pocket space for an Oyster card, let alone a phone!”
Image credits: LaGrindley
“I’ve heard rumors that it’s a conspiracy between fashion houses and handbag designers – if we aren’t given pockets, we have to use handbags!” said Esther. Maybe that’s why we don’t see a lot of men wearing handbags?
Image credits: kellylarson21
“Having recently found a few niche retailers who do work dresses with pockets, I’m now a firm convert to proper pockets,” said Esther. “They’re a life-saver, especially during hayfever season when it’s essential to have a pack of tissues handy at all times.”
Image credits: kellylarson21
Let’s hope the pocket trend catches on!
Image credits: JenaSands
Image credits: JenaSands
Image credits: gsoniaa12
Image credits: gsoniaa12
Image credits: emilywdc
Image credits: emilywdc
Image credits: annapromdress
People loved the dresses with pockets
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