The Watch Without A Face
Although I can’t understand why anyone needs a watch when we all have cellphones in our pockets, “Eye of the Storm” really caught my attention. A Chinese-born and German-based product designer Yiran Qian designed a watch without a face which recently won the Red Dot 2010 Design Concept award. The inspiration for its name came from the calm center of a destructive storm.
The watch is completely black and looks really weird until its side button is pressed, illuminating the time.
This unconventional design not only lowers production costs, but also helps people that may be sensitive to the metals generally used in watches.
Got wisdom to pour?
no space for a battery
” won the Red Dot 2010 Design Concept award”
Hence its a Design Concept and not an actual product…… duh….
looks cheap
How much ?
this clock is really f*cked up! (in a good way)
the idea and design is really cool, however it looks as thought it was broken and some major parts missing :)) not sure if I would like to spend my time explaining everyone that everything is OK with it :D LOL
Cool, I want it for Christmas :)
LOL I can make the same design out of mine old broken watch with a hammer ^^
It’s reallystylish, but for me it would be useless – I never understand clocks without numbers :D