No More Dead Animals – Flower Wall Trophies For The Big Green Hunter
It’s hard to be a vegan hunter, what with the whole “not hurting animals” shtick. Elkabana is the project for those animal lovers who want wall trophies without killing anything. It’s a wall mount for various flowery arrangements. The obvious choice is to mount two impressive branches for that pretend deer (or elk) antler feel. Of course, you can do something much more imaginative. Combine flowers till you reach a point where people start asking if you had a hunting expedition to Pandora.
The name of the project is a portmanteau of “elk” (known for great antlers) and “ikebana”. The latter is a well known (in as much that most people have heard the name) Japanese art of flower arrangement. And you’ll need some flower related artistic flair to do justice for the mount. The plate is made from birch plywood, but can also be crafted from materials like oak. The glass receptacles are made by a man the website calls “Mr. Guseppe”, which gives it some of that Old World craftsman flair.
Now go hunt some branches!
More info: elkebana.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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