25 People Share Their Most Unpopular Opinions Online
With 8 billion people living on this Earth, there are bound to be some differences in opinion on a variety of subjects. If no one ever had a contrary opinion to the norm of the times back in the day, we would still be living in an outdated world where racism runs rampant and women are still financially dependent on men for their survival.
However, progress happens because someone had the strength to go against the grain. To voice their opinions and fight for their beliefs no matter how different. But the first step counted the most, in having that difference of opinion for which we can imagine that they likely underwent quite a fair amount of resistance from friends, family and the public alike before it caught on.
Scroll below to read a few hot takes from a dedicated online space where folks are invited to vent and share their opinions that go ‘against the grain’. These are some of the most insightful posts shared by folks which make a valid point and give us a lot to think about on various topics.
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Jen Samara: This one should definitely be higher! I’m not a guy but I agree
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Black Cat: Bad grammar and poor spelling always makes someone seem not very intelligent. I think it’s because people don’t seem to read much anymore. I’m talking about people who have English as a first language here.
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Luke Branwen: And Big Bang Theory ain’t no gem either.
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Aaron Parker: Met my wife at work 12 years ago. It happens to millions of people, it’s just the way it goes. They’ll do what they can to prevent it, but as long as work is integrated between the sexes it will surely happen forever and that’s just fine with me.
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Jeevesssssss: Pubbing not clubbing!
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Patricia Steward: Plus you’re giving your money to Elon, which is just a waste.
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Ruby: Honestly, a LOT of public places need to calm down with music. I understand having some soft background music so it’s not dead quiet/fun for the people who are working, but I do not need radio blasting in my ears when looking at bread in the supermarket
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Zedrapazia: I have a good friend who’s been participating in kickboxing since he was like 13 and hits the gym on a regular basis. Most buff guy I know, but still far away from Arnold Schwarzenegger or anyone like that. Peak physical condition doesn’t look the way the movies make it seem.
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Rostit. .: I get ops sentiment and agree personally. But that’s up to Nepal.
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Head_on_a_Stick (edited): Anger & hate gets more clicks and the social media referrer algorithms are focused on raising ad revenue. Governments needs to take control of the referrer algorithms. Or ban advertising, which would be my preference.
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T’Mar of Vulcan: Where does this person live? Here in Mzansi (South Africa) it’s sunny 95% of the time. I get depressed when it’s winter and too dark. We need the sun for our mental health.
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Imnotthatpanda: I feel the same about the “Alabama is where everybody f***s their sisters hurr hurr hurrrrrrr” joke. It’s not funny nor is it anywhere near true.
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Libstak: When people snicker “1st world problem” because you have the basic necessities but still have actual problems, I want to yeet them somewhere.
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Queeqec: I don’t understand both things. Both are a waste of time in my (unpopular) opinion.
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Mike F: A Tragedeigh.
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T’Mar of Vulcan: The person is not wrong – studies have shown that bathing/showering too often actually just moves the bacteria on your skin around.
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Megan Curl (edited): I’m mostly having a problem with the adults having their children try to get the ball.
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Ruivo: Depends on circumstance. Yielding during heavy traffic so someone can go ahead in the perpendicular/opposite direction is completely acceptable.
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Jeevesssssss: Also… kids get sick. So do adults. How are adults in a corporate culture going to stand up for their rights and take time off when sick (sorry, idk if getting PAID sick days is a usual thing in the US, but you should still not have to work when you’re spreading lurgy) if you don’t learn to do it as a kid?
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zububonsai: Umm, TMI.
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