30 People Who Failed At Following A Recipe And Blamed The Dish For Tasting Bad

Published 1 year ago

Seasoned cooks knows that recipes are just a guideline for cooking. While they may add their own twist to create a unique flavour, they usually know what and how much to add through experience to enhance the dish. However, some amateur cooks try to freehand their recipes and end up in hot water as a result. These unique instances may just be a learning experience if not for them trying to shift the blame to someone else. 

The “I Didn’t Have Eggs” online community steps in to find and share the most confusing and even rather irritating recipe reviews found online. In fact, it’s rather surprising how many people would choose to substitute a perfectly good ingredient with their own ignorant choice and then rant about it online to boot, but it seems a-plenty do as you can see for yourself below.

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#1 This Guy Gets It

Image source: 58013sel

#2 No Mention Of Corn In A Mexican Crema Recipe

Image source: jillianjo

#3 I Haven’t Made It Yet ?

Image source: Jamgood

#4 Christopher Has Had Enough Of Reading About Other People’s Substitutions

Image source: D4b513

#5 “The Recipe Is Bad Because I Undercooked It” Absolute Savage Response

Image source: Opposite_Lettuce

#6 This Person Added An Unnecessary Egg And Got Mad The Cake Was Ruined

Image source: Banana_Skirt

#7 Cindy Is Tired Of Your Questions

Image source: UnprofessionalCook

#8 I Wish You Would Shut Up

Image source: xzagz

#9 This Was On A Recipe For Peach Ice Cream

Image source: reckonedstormlight

#10 Do You Even Know What A Potato Is? 1 Star!

Image source: salutishi

#11 I’m Better At Traditional Chinese Cooking Than The Traditional Chinese Cook

Image source: AnemoneGoldman

#12 Ritzchef Is All Of Us

Image source: sixl6o6l

#13 “4 Cups Of Apple Cider Vinegar To 2 Bottles Of Wine Was Absurd.” Yes It Was

Image source: ohhiiiiiiiiii

#14 Reading This One Activated My Flight Or Fight Response

Image source: Whitershadeofforever

#15 Oh Kimica ?learn To Understand Directions Please

Image source: CaliSunSuccs

#16 Geoffrey Doesn’t Like Full English Breakfast

Image source: HeyyyKoolAid

#17 On A Post For A Homemade Peach Cake

Image source: Jk_381122

#18 Things Are Getting Tense In This Banana Bread Recipe’s Comments Section

Image source: yattoyatto

#19 Substitution Poetry!

Image source: safadancer

#20 Big Brain Baking

Image source: princessice119

#21 Yes, Cumin Beef Tastes Like Cumin

Image source: danstecz

#22 This Bourbon Chicken Recipe Review

Image source: Thermoxin

#23 Why Do You Have This Much Free Time??

Image source: SaltCarnate

#24 Just Devastated That Mayonnaise Doesn’t Make Good Frosting. But I Still Ate It

Image source: reddit.com

#25 The Best Review Yet

Image source: Alqpzm1029

#26 Recipe For A London Broil Marinade. There Indeed Is No Pepsi Or Coke

Image source: abbattoirnoises

#27 Thanks For Your Life Story!

Image source: AnemoneGoldman

#28 I’m Not Sure If This Counts But It Made Me Laugh

Image source: pcktazn

#29 I Found This Gem On A Caramel Ice Cream Recipe And I Am So Glad I Did

Image source: ButchTheDoggo

#30 This Recipe For Thanksgiving Stuffing

Image source: Jordayumm

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



fails, food, food reviews, funny, I didn't have eggs, reviews