Europe’s First Underwater Restaurant Is Also Going To Purify Sea Water

Published 7 years ago

Not many restaurants can pride themselves on helping the environment. However, a Norwegian design company Snøhetta has announced their plans to build the first in Europe underwater restaurant near the village of Båly, Norway that will do exactly that.

The project is called “Under” which in Norwegian can also be translated to “wonder”, and it sure sounds like a wonderful place. The design company states that the concrete shell  of the building is going to have coarse surface that makes it easy for mussels to cling on. Over time, as the mollusk community increases, the submerged part of the building will become “an artificial mussel reef” with two functions – rinsing the sea and naturally attracting more marine life to its purified waters. Not only that, the building itself will be constructed from sustainable and locally sourced materials.

The restaurant will also invite research teams that focus on marine biology and fish behavior. They will help create optimize conditions on the seabed so that fish and shellfish can thrive in proximity to the restaurant. Upon entering the restaurant the visitors will be invited to read the informational plaques that are going to tell stories about marine biodiversity, the Norwegian coast, and the part that the restaurant plays in it all.

“Through its architecture, menu and mission of informing the public about the biodiversity of the sea, Under will provide an under-water experience inspiring a sense of awe and delight, activating all the senses – both physical and intellectual,” claims the company.

The works on the restaurant only plan to start in February 2018 and will take about a year to complete so, in the mean time, if you’re eager to participate in one-of-a-kind dining experience, be sure to check out the places mentioned right here.

More info: (h/t architectural digest)

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“Under” will be the first underwater restaurant in Europe

In addition to providing one-of-a-kind dining experience, the place will also serve an environmental purpose

The submerged part will be a great place from mussels to settle on

The mollusk communities will purify the water and attract more marine life

All while the visitors are enjoying the view to the seabed of the North Sea through the huge panoramic window


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amazing restaurants, architectural design, architecture, Baly, Norway, restaurant, Snøhetta, underwater, underwater restaurant, unique restaurants