Two Brothers Re-Create Childhood Photos As A Priceless Gift To Their Mother
There’s a fun new trend in contemporary photography – digging through one’s old childhood photos and creating detailed replicas. The Luxton brothers’ project, though, is probably the most hilarious of them all.
The brothers made the pictures into a Christmas calendar as a gift for their mother to remind her of the good old days and appreciate her children’s beautiful brotherhood, which only seems to have grown stronger over all those years. Some of them are disturbing, some of them are odd, but all in all, the photo calendar came out touching and brilliantly amusing!
Source: then-and-now-photos.tumblr.com
Got wisdom to pour?
This is hilarious! My brothers and I should do this!
Beautiful! You made my day!
Wonderful! Great Present!
This is the most amazing thing ever
Am I the only one that finds these kid – adult photo trends weird? Especially the bathtub one.
Yes, you are the only, its brothers love, family love, whats the problem with the bathtub? You’re probably not happy lolol
I’m actually very happy and well adjusted. ;) I just find it weird to see adults with child like body language and face expressions. For the bathtub one, it’s just odd to see two siblings “naked” in a tub together, for the same reason it’s strange to shower with your kids past a certain age.
Just my opinion. If you like it great. I personally think it’s weird.
Of course it’s weird. That’s the point…that’s why it’s funny. If it wasn’t weird it wouldn’t be funny. If it was normal, it would be boring. I’m not sure if you’re aware that this is meant to be funny (and therefore weird). So just thought I’d clear that up for you. Also, two little boys having a bath together is not weird, it’s innocent. Don’t make it dirty by adding your paranoid and jaded adult misconceptions to it. Two grown men having a bath together is, however, weird. Which is why it’s funny. TO REVIEW: Weird = Funny!. Different = Neat! Creative = Exciting! And Unimaginative = Normal = Dry old boring old sweaty sock.
Best comment ever, Cheesetoes! :D
Great moniker ever, Cheesetoes! The pictures are witty and funny. Be happy, people!
Yea, but this has been done a million times already.. So it’s none of the things you just mentioned.
all of this…
I’m sorry to say that you are very right AND very wrong. This comment is YOUR perception on the calender baby vs adult photo’s and apparently a whole other list of things in life that mean something TO YOU..not @kittydew:disqus. Weird might be funny to you but not funny to someone else and Normal is non existent , normality for one person is not normality for another person, what is normal? the comment board is meant for our own personal opinions on the subject matter…So cheesetoes remember that before you decide to give YOUR own biased opinion. I for one like the idea and think it’s funny but I’m not going to judge someone else because their opinion is not the same as mine. We have a right to explain our reasoning behind our opinion but no right to attack, judge or “defend” our own, there should only be reason for an opinion nothing else. The beauty of opinions everybody.
You spelled your name wrong in my opinion.
Well Johnny in that case no opinions are of any value whatsoever because everything is ultimately subjective. Why do you even bother commenting since your comment has no value?
You didn’t find this funny Jonny Ayotte? Man, I feel for you. I fell off my chair backwards, my mum would absolutely love this for a number of reasons. Its funny, and it shows really brotherly love. Im almost tempted to copy the idea for christmas. Love the fact they even got the clothes as close as dam it. Really thought out and good attention to detail.
^^^ I agree 100% Stuart Rich!
of course you have the right to attack someones opinion. where are you? North Korea?? See the thing about opinions is that everyone has the right to one but if yours sucks balls then be prepared to hear about it. Don’t get your panties in a bind.
Jonny, let me get this straight. You claim the comment board is meant for people’s own personal opinions on the subject matter and that people have a right to explain their reasoning but no right to attack or judge, yet, your entire post is a judgmental attack on someone else’s opinion of another person’s opinion. Dude, you’re a F***ing hypocrite.
Two grown men having a bath is no longer weird… it’s the 21st century, cheesetoes… thats a weird name.
anyone made a young to old home video remakes yet?
Best reply ever. You win and I love you.
its funny for everybody else and probably brought back alot of happy memories for the people involved. i cant see why you want to comment about it unless you were a little insecure, get over it. life is wierd have fun with it.
I can’t see why you’d want to comment on my comment unless you were a little insecure with my insecurities. :D
you can tell they have on underwear in the bathtub. of course it’s not nearly as heartfelt for anyone outside of the family. funny/weird for everyone else.
Everyone is entitled to there opinions….Nothing wrong with it hunn..
Unless their opinion is full of negativity and spite, then no, they’re not! #besilentnotheard
their* -_-
ha ha ha
Lol. That’s true too. A lot of people who share your view probably didn’t continue to scroll, much less post an opinion. Other people share your views for sure. No need for people to get their panties all rolled up in a bunch. All you wanted to do was check if others felt that it was weird too. Sheesh
You asked a question in your comment and now you don’t like that people commented? Does anyone think that is weird?
Don’t quite understand why I am masturbating to the bath tub one. Oh well…
Actually, I’m quite alright with everyone commenting. I just find it amusing that everyone is getting a touch hysterical over a silly question.
Kittydew you asked if you were the only one who finds these pics strange. Well people are replying and no these pics are not weird. They’re a gift for their mom of recreated events. I’d be thrilled if my daughters gave me a thoughtful gift like this.
and they are NOT naked in the tub..freak..sheesh
You come off like an asshole. Enjoy that :)
ugh. fuck you faggot.
They have their boxers on in the adult picture in the tub it isn’t weird what so ever.
You are not alone. Some of the pics were cute but some were just plain weird lol
How do u even know that they are not wearing shorts in the bath tub photo????
I agree. The whole concept is cool but I only felt that way as I continued to scroll down. Almost didn’t. The same effect would have been achieved without it.
It wouldnt bother me, maybe you are an only child .. I have a twin though and like I wouldnt be like Lets jump in the tube together unclothed, but i wouldnt ever be uncomfortable around her or my other siblings.
They aren’t naked in the tub.
it’s not funny unless they are nekkid.
Funny and a gift to their mom, you’re lack of understanding is weird!
I’m almost positive those two were not naked in the bathtub. I’m pretty sure they were wearing boxers.
You’re right. Grown men together under the covers making childish googly faces is silly. Huddled together in the bathtub is just plain suggestive. If these were my own kids, I’d wonder about them.
Oh, for the LOVE OF GOD, are you serious with that comment? Yes, I bet the brothers are totally incestuous instead of sitting in the tub (most likely WEARING SHORTS) to create a goofy photo.
Why ruin something nice like this with ridiculous negative comments?
because they can. They might not be able to resist there own voices……….:)
If you look closely kittydew at least the brother on the left side….he IS wearing some shorts/briefs. So they had some RESPECT and logical protection while being pure to the precious family FUN photo. Just sayin’!
kittydew, your level of seriousness is a huge part of what makes our society so lame, boring, dull, dreary, and listless anymore. People like you are the reason why society doesn’t know how to smile at one another anymore. Thanks for ruining our lives.
and your lack of understanding that everyone has a different way they see things and different opinions is the reason why people feel they don’t fit into our society and sometimes even do more extreme things. We share this planet but are not expected to share the same idea’s and tastes and opinions. This world is filled with billions of people some who agree with what you’re comment just explained and some who wouldn’t so get off the pedestal.
If a different opinion is really ruining your life, you might need to learn some coping skills. You sound maladaptive. Most people learn to coexist with differences of opinions. :)
They’re probably wearing underwear, smart one. As if two grown men are gonna bathe naked for pictures….
You do realize the adults aren’t really naked right? They have on their underwear and these no water in the tub…duh
Those are your opinions and issues…not everybody thinks nudity is weird or uncomfortable…they are BROTHERS, they have been naked around one another their entire lives…it’s really not a big deal, or any deal at all…You are trying very hard to MAKE it weird, which ironically, is the weirdest thing about your comments…
as you said, @disqus_74JscCOKLJ:disqus These are HER opinons so let her express them and stop pestering her with the way YOU see the photo’s. She thinks it’s weird, get off your pedestal and just say you simply like the photo’s and find them funny as I do instead of making her feel like she is wrong because she is not.
it’s ok to challenge her reasoning- why not? No one is name calling or crossing boundaries here. I know there have been times when I’ve been called out on my opinions and it made me reflect and come to a different conclusion. It’s all food for thought.
She didn’t ask to have her opinion challenged and once again you fail to see the point, before this time everyone kept most of what they thought to themselves, living in their heads when they had a different opinion on something, now we are in a time of freedom of expression. She didn’t ask to be attacked on her opinion or have it challenged..she just expressed how she felt towards it and it’s not only you everyone else here is not saying the nicest of things either, I’m the only one on here apparently who actually likes the photo’s and finds them funny but is defending someone with a different opinion than mine because I understand the value of one unlike the rest of the commenters, who think they see fit enough to challenge someone else’ view on the subject matter or attack it. So I say again to those people step down from your pedestal state your reason for your opinion and try not to change the mind of others because the beauty of the world is our individualism and uniqueness.
Just sounds like you like to hear yourself talk. Narcissism!?*
I have no problem with people challenging my opinion. :)
I think they’re a bit silly for continuing this 6 months later, but then again I suppose I am too. If I get bored of it, I’ll just disable notifications and leave you to talk amongst yourselves.
I have no problems with nudity. I am an art student, I have stared at all manner of penis and vulva for life drawing classes. Two adults in a bath tub are usually not having an innocent bath, let’s not pretend otherwise. It’s not a far stretch to understand why two adult brothers in a tub are a bit odd. I certainly hope they haven’t been naked around each other their whole life. Most people stop being nude around their siblings around 5-6 years old. Getting sanctimonious and proclaiming how innocent it is, is really disingenuous.
Depends where you’re from. Same-sex nudity among family is not that strange where I come from, no matter what the age. Of course being squished in a bathtub is different, but let’s keep in mind they’re not fully naked. I don’t think it’s that weird for 2 brothers to be comfortable about that kind of thing. It’s just nudity.
Hilarious. You are putting a lot of energy into this issue. I’m sure that means nothing.
exactly…..seems these guys love themselves first and foremost….and the eloquence of there own thought. ha ha hu hm.
I keep reading Jonny and your: ability to understand society and how society intends to or should perceive things. Seems (I didn’t say you do) like you love the sound of your own voice.
you realize they are wearing clearly visible boxers?
…and there’s no water in the bathtub! some people are kind of ”blind” and really see two naked men bathing… what they had for breakfast, I wonder :)
well… for those kind of things to understand you need to understand humor…
I don’t think know it’s odd or bizarre but maybe do to media’s in trestle in pedofilia and such it’s so easy to think in those ways?
Sexualitet is so complext nowadays when it’s so easy to come by.
I get more upset when I shop in big department stores and find clothes for little girls that’s designed to be sexy.
It’s so easy to adapt societies colectiv shame of sexualitet regarding children even though the majority of us never would have thought about it at all if we hadn’t been stuffed with input about it.
Just a thought.
You are stupid.
Please make the stupid, mean people go away! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
You can see that they are wearing shorts though (for the adult bath tub photo). Everyone has their own opinions which is great otherwise the world would be very boring!
but they weren’t in the tub naked. And they werent really taking a bath. They are having a laugh for a photo. Theres nothing weird here, man except for your issues that aren’t resolved. cheers
Are you completely missing the part where they are recreating childhood photos and that they don’t actually take baths together as adults? Good lord, why do people have to overthink and take the fun out of everything?
No..you’re not alone! Awesome gesture. .but strange.
they are not naked!you can clearly see they are wearing clothes!:)
yes, you are. i find these pictures really cute and i really enjoyed them. it is a great example of family unity and love and there should be more things like these done. big like!
I’ve been scarred by the internet. Look up adult babies. On second thought don’t. Just trust me when I say that these are pretty weird and resemble something that no one should ever take pictures of.
Anyway, if you like them, awesome! :D
Paraphilic infantilism, like any other sexual fetish, has been around for millennia.
And only the sort of parent who would encourage this sort of a paraphelia could possibly see these photos an expression of family affection and unity.
Uh, what? I was responding to the person who was “scarred” by knowing that paraphilic infantilism (aka adult babies) exists. It’s a fetish has nothing to do with these photos, as the guys recreating their childhood photos were not engaging in paraphilic infantilism.
It seems like you have a child based on your picture. If your child is an only child then you won’t understand. If your child is still a child you won’t understand. Once you have two or more children and they’re adults then you will appreciate what these sons did for their mother. Recreating pictures is innocent and is done for fun for mom. It brings back wonderful, happy memories. It’s sad you don’t understand.
I agree with you entirely. Until I read through the comments I was just thinking how thoughtful it was for them to sit together as brothers come up with an idea for their mum, source all the gear get dad involved. It just so happens this ended up on the internet for all to see. The suggestion of adult baby websites is just sick and total takes things out of context. And no I won’t be looking up those sorts of websites either because people who do have issues that I don’t have to deal with. A pity that sick minds twist an innocent family event and actually yes this might have been done before as many people have suggested but this is the first time I’ve ever come across it and my first thought was that I hope that when my daughters grow up they will care so much about me that they will come up with a plan just to put a smile on my face and remind me of how far they’ve come.
I understand it perfectly. I just find it odd.
You must be really fun at parties.
She doesn’t go to parties. And if she does, she has to know everyone there. If there is one stranger there, it’s weird for her.
Interesting leap. Good job connecting dot A to dot blue. :)
Why on Earth were you looking up “adult babies” in the first place? There’s a difference between being “scarred” by something and choosing to subject yourself to something that common sense ought to tell you isn’t safe or healthy, and then judging other things based on that.
I wasn’t. Forum trolls are assholes.
You’re assuming that they are nude in the tub. I’m betting they have swimming trunks on, or something. Maybe you just have a sick mind.
OMG Me too!
Well, then, since that’s apparently weird to you, we think it’s weird that you have a photo of your husband holding up and kissing the baby like it’s his lover. How’s that weird train of thought for ya? Now lighten the F up.
There wearing underwear…look closer!
I’m sure they really weren’t naked in the recreated one
Yes you are definitely the only one! They’re brothers…This is not something they do on a daily basis, it was done out of love for their mom, whom they know better than you do…it’s a wonderful, ingenious, humorous gesture and quite frankly I wish I had thought of it. #lightenupkitty #yourewoundtootight
Lighten up kittydew…..this is all in fun. I think their Mom will love it. Why does everything have to offend someone? Get over it!
Kittydew didn’t seem offended to me. Enlightened is a better word. Any psychologically informed mom might be worried by this sort of sibling expression.
No, it’s called sick and paranoid to think the bathtub photo was weird. You’re the kind of people who think everything is weird. It’s not like they were naked. It’s not like they were even touching each other. Christ. Lighten up.
Nope. You aren’t the only one. The bike shot is clever. Most of the others go beyond silly into the realm of squinky.
I’m pretty sure the grown up bathtub pics they probably have boxers on.
shut up
Yes, u probably are the only one. They probably have bathing suits on and if not, well your still the only one they’re brothers and obviously close ones. I’m sure they’re not eyeing rather up! It’s cute and I’m sure their mother adored it. Maybe your just not close with your family and it’s hard concept for u to grasp, I donno
and they aren’t nude in the bathtub. if you look closely you can see the one on the left is wearing underwear. if he is, then i’m sure the other one is too.
No, you’re not. The idea of recreating them as a gift to their mom was sweet, but it is weird. And the bathtub one got a little less when i realized they were wearing something but still weird. to everyone else: weird isn’t synonymous with bad
Yes, I think they’re weird and funny.
No don’t feel bad! There are 60 other like you!! :/
It’s supposed to be weird, its a present for MOM! making memories!
Its very funny a tab strange but thats the beauty in these….
hhhhhh that so funny and amazingspecially the last one :D
so sweet :)
Sweet memories of the past is truly priceless when re-created at present. Great job guys… Sweet, indeed!
very cute
Hahaha brilliant x
awesome..brilliant idea.
That’s funny