20 Twisted Comics For Dark Humor Lovers By “Deliberately Buried Comics”
Deliberately Buried Comics is a webcomic started by a New York-based artist simply going as Sean. The artist always makes sure to include an unexpected twist in his comics, and if your sense of humor is on the darker side, then I’m pretty sure they will be right up you alley.
Sean started the webcomic back in 2018, and has created over 900 comics over these years, amassing thousands of followers in the process. Check out a collection of the funniest Deliberately Buried Comics in the gallery below, and if you want more dark humor, see our earlier posts here and here!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | teepublic.com
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Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Image source: deliberatelyburied
Got wisdom to pour?
Yeti are you ok? Are you OK? Are you OK Yeti?
Yeti are you ok? Are you OK? Are you OK Yeti?
You’ve been hit by BANG BANG
You’ve been hit by
A pun overload!