A Bridge That Turns Into An Underwater Tunnel Connecting Denmark And Sweden
The Swedes and the Danes had a serious inkling that bridging the Øresund strait would be a good idea. So they finally did it with the Øresund Link. Consisting of a bridge, a tunnel, and an artificial island, it was opened in 2000 after only five years of construction.
The bridge in nearly eight kilometers long and it reaches half way through the strait. The road (and railway) then continues on the 4km long Peberholm (Pepper Islet), before plunging into Drogden tunnel, which goes for an another 4 kilometers.
Øresund Link houses not only roads and railways, but also four dark fiber network cables. Besides, it finally let dreadfully sea-sick people reach Sweden (or Denmark) in the comfort of their own car!
More info: oresundbron.com (h/t: twistedsifter)
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