15 Behind-Scenes Photos Show How Hard Photography Is
Amazing photos don’t just happen, most of the time they’re the result of a painstakingly long planning process for which photographers need to remember all the different techniques to pull off.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of 15 of these behind the scenes looks into incredible shots that will make you appreciate photography a tad bit more. Sure, it can seem like overkill considering that a lot can be done in post-production software these days, but doing it old-school still gives photos that special quality unachievable otherwise.
Now let’s make this more interactive. Shout out in the comments which one was your favorite and why?
#1 Miniature Car Models Create Realistic Historical Photos
Image source: Michael Paul Smith
#2 Wedding Photography
Image source: Chris Chambers
#3 Water Reflections
Image source: Vogue Korea
#4 Surreal Miniature Photography
Image source: Felix Hernandez
#5 Life In A Drop Photography
Image source: D’ Third Photography
#6 Water Splash Background
Image source: snowfairy88
#7 Girl Enjoying Rain
Image source: FunLeak
#8 Fox Close Up
Image source: Dan Dinu
#9 Levitation
Image source: Luke Sharrat
#10 Wedding Photography
Image source: Chris Chambers
#11 Photoshoot 25m Under The Sea In A Sunken Shipwreck
Image source: Benjamin Von Wong
#12 Floating
Image source: The Photo Fiend
#13 M&M’s In Water Drops
Image source: Northwest Dad
#14 How Landscape Photos Are Really Made
Image source: Matthew Albanese
#15 Splashing Roses Photography
Image source: Alex Koloskov
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