After Trump Showed A Fake Hurricane Map Altered With A Sharpie, People Responded With 30 Funny Memes
By now, even the craziest actions of Donald Trump, The President of the United States, no longer seem to phase anyone too much. However, he seems to be going out of his way to surprise us with new ridiculousness every single day. This time it started as a seemingly innocent hurricane warning before someone noticed that something was a little off about the map Trump was showing.
Trump was presenting a forecast of the Hurricane Dorian, saying that it had a “95% chance” of hitting Alabama, even after the National Weather Service announced it won’t. However, upon closer zoom, you can notice that the map is altered – and not by using sophisticated editorial skills. Someone simply doodled an additional line with a sharpie and called it a day. Needless to say, as soon as people noticed it, they instantly started creating and sharing hilarious memes, leading to the whole situation being dubbed “sharpiegate”.
Check out the most hilarious responses to Trump’s fake hurricane map in the gallery below!
Image source: Pappiness
Image source: unknownmark_novata
Image source: joncoopertweets
Image source: WilDonnelly
Image source: AxlWarpshaft01
Image source: PadraigPiarais
Image source: vicsepulveda
Image source: Rschooley
Image source: bhall001
Image source: SinKatt
Image source: MrTommyCampbell
Image source: fenway2424
Image source: gdimelow
Image source: Little__Trump
Image source: aohillbilly
Image source: EricMaclin
Image source: Stop_Trump20
Image source: striderno9
Image source: TheDailyShow
Image source: StephenWHudson1
Image source: logitechor
Image source: NoEmptySuits
Image source: ten24get
Image source: funkme77
Image source: JustinFlood
Image source: Alt_FedEmployee
Image source: Frances_Larina
Image source: ManlnTheHoody
Image source: unknownmagnushammar
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