A T-Rex Skeleton Bike That Waves Its Arms And Snaps Its Jaws Is Being Sold On Craigslist
If you can’t ride an actual dinosaur, you can settle for a dino bike. This one, named Sue, is just on sale! Sue is 12ft/3,6m and 8ft/2,5m tall. It’s a skeleton of an infant T-Rex – an adult would be a little too big – made from foam, texture paint and steel tubing. The guy who made it knows what he’s doing – the arms and the head are all connected to the pedals. So yes, the tiny T-Rex arms do move when you ride!
Sue-cycle was made by Willie Hatfield from Eugene, a naval engineer who builds foldable bikes. “This wonderful rideable dinosaur, this fulfilment of my childhood dreams, needs to go to someone who likes being the center of attention, likes making the news whenever they’re out in public, and likes inspiring joy and wonder in the faces of children,” he writes in the Craigslist ad. “I’m just a quiet engineer and bicycle fabricator and am not interested in celebrity.” The price is $2000. The seller makes note that the bike is a little hard to ride, but is perfect for parades. There’s also wear-and-tear, seeing how it’s a statue with moving parts made from foam.
That’s why a bucket of white texture paint is also included in the deal.
More info: craigslist (h/t: laughingsquid)
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