25 Dead Giveaways That Someone’s Parenting Style Is Rather Trashy

Published 2 days ago

Parenting is not an easy task, and folks resort to methods that aren’t always appropriate when they feel overwhelmed or frustrated. Controlling children to keep them safe can feel like an everyday battle if steps aren’t taken to build a child’s understanding of valuing their own health and safety. Similarly, other aspects in a child’s life need to be patiently guided so they can grow up to be upstanding and responsible citizens of society. However, when a parent’s patience is waning, their ability to parent correctly diminishes along with it. 

When this happens in public, it can be extremely embarrassing for the parent as they are showered in judgemental looks from onlookers. But while some people may be overly sensitive, others may have real cause for concern about the parents’ ability to be a primary caregiver of an underage human. Recently, Redditors shared their opinions on the behaviours exhibited by parents that would easily be deemed as trashy. Scroll below to read the suggested signs shared in the gallery below. 

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More info: Dawg_Prime , Getty Images

Saw a woman on the bus years ago with two 6-9 year olds.

They were standing up a little bit when they shouldn’t have, as kids do, and her first instinct was to go to:


It was June.

Like really, that’s your FIRST go to? did you already take away their birthday presents at the bus stop or something?


Image source: kiley69, CDC

Not vaccinating.


Image source: Brian_The_Bar-Brian, Mikhail Nilov

If their kids are bullies.


Image source: SuperApplication3086, freepik

Referring to spending time with their child/children as “babysitting”. No, that’s called parenting.


Image source: ThreeBsAndMe, EyeEm

Using their kids to create YouTube channels… And using it as their personal source of income….


Image source: Prestigious_Pack4680, Yunus Tuğ

Their children are afraid of them.


Image source: Hiitsmetodd, freepik

Obese kids.


Chubby kids are fine, even fat kids. But a kid should not be literally obese at like 5 years old. You’re the adult, you’re in charge of their diet and routine. Their weight should not be getting out of hand.


Image source: Advanced-Trainer508, master1305

Putting their child in a beauty pageant.


Image source: chocolatechipninja, peoplecreations

They ignore their kids until other adults have had to correct their kid’s behavior.


They film their kids, laugh at their misery, and post the videos on YouTube.

Image source: Ambitious_Hold_5435


Image source: hellno-reddit-2025, freepik

The way they treat their child in public.
You know it’s worse behind closed doors.


Using the excuse “how am I going to explain this to my children” in regards to controversial or sexual things. Being honest with your kids about the world around them can only help them. Instead parents think it’s someone else’s responsibility, and here we have 16 year olds who don’t know anything about safe sex.

Image source: anon


Smoking in the car with the kids in the car.

Image source: YesNoWhatever


Image source: KatieeBirdd71, freepik

Soda or juice in baby bottles.


Putting their need to be in a relationship over the wellbeing of their children.

Image source: Chefsteph212


Image source: Not_peer_reviewed, freepik

Read about 100 of these and I found one that wasn’t mentioned – being in a place that is very loud or with very loud music with babies. I see it often a kid under 5 will be in a room with a loud band for over an hour. The kids always have a concerned look and don’t want to be there.


Image source: LadyRevontulet, Mikhail Nilov

When a parent is so inattentive that their older child is essentially raising the younger children, 24/7.

To the point where the younger child is stuck with a broken leg for two weeks, before getting attention for it. Accidental attention, because the parent was completely unaware of the fact that this is why the child is refusing to walk and screaming in pain every time they’re forced to. Just because you *can* have kids, doesn’t mean you’ll be good at it, or even should.


Image source: anon, freepik

Joining a group like one million moms to get things you think your kids shouldn’t see banned instead of taking the time to raise your kids yourself.


Living through your kid. Your kid is not you. (Seriously, that should be told to every parent, right along with the “don’t shake the baby” speech you get at the hospital.) And your kid is not a vector through which to either relive your glory days, relive your dreams, or make money.

Image source: coffeeblossom


They’re not watching their kid when they’re out in public.

Image source: Alternative-City5799


Image source: itsbreexox, bearfotos

Insulting their children, in front of their children.


Image source: knuckleyard, shurkin_son

When the kid is being babysat by the phone all the time.


Not listening to doctors, health studies, or any recent health info that has come out.

Image source: FATTY-PEN15-911


They name their kid “X Æ A-12”.


This, but in general names that end up on R/tragedeigh.
Braxxton, McKennslieigh, Addyzn, Wyntyr, Braden Aden Jaden Caden Haden, Nevaeh, etc.
Trashy parents who think of naming as “cute baby names” and not a name an adult will have.

Image source: Shoegazer75


Calling their kids dumb or stupid. Pisses me off.

Image source: Tayesmommy3

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



behaviours, indicators, parenting, people, signs, trashy parenting