Dior Copies Romanian Traditional Clothing And Sell It For 30,000 Euros, So Romanians Fight Back In A Genius Way
Plagiarism is nothing new in the fashion world – even the big names do it. Last year Dior launched their pre-fall collection featuring traditional motifs. Soon people began to see that many of them looked very similar to those of traditional Bihor clothing. Sadly, Dior never credited the Bihor community for inspiring them. The fashion label is now selling coats featuring the traditional motifs for up to 30,000 euros and none of the proceeds will go to the Bihor community.
However, some people decided to not let Dior get away with it so easily – a Romanian fashion magazine called Beau Monde decided to fight this injustice in the most unique way. The magazine launched a campaign called ‘Bihor Couture’ – a fashion line, offering traditional Bihor clothing for a lower price. People can purchase clothes from local craftsmen thus supporting them directly.
Check out the traditional Bihor designs as well as the Dior copies in the gallery below!
Fashion brands quite often come under fire for shamelessly plagiarising other brands or artists and “borrowing” elements from local cultures.
More info: bihorcouture.com | youtube.com | h/t
The Bihor people are a small community in Romania who have unique and beautiful cultural traditions
Image credits: Bihor Couture
They are very proud of their traditional clothing designs
Image credits: mirceacantor
They are very distinct from other cultures
Image credits: Romania Tourism
Last year Dior launched their pre-fall collection featuring traditional Bihor motifs
Image credits: Vogue
The clothes bear a stunning similarity to the traditional Bihor jacket
Image credits: Ţara Binşului
You can see them here, side by side
Image credits: Vogue La Blouse Romaine
You can’t deny the similarity
Image credits: Vogue Romania Tourism
The fashion label is now selling coats featuring the traditional motifs for up to 30,000 euros
Image credits: Vogue lablouseroumaine
Sadly, Dior never credited the Bihor community for inspiring them and none of the proceeds will go to the Bihor community
Image credits: Vogue Romania Dacia
A Romanian fashion magazine called Beau Monde decided to fight this injustice
Image credits: Bihor Couture
They launched a campaign called ‘Bihor Couture’ – a fashion line, offering traditional Bihor clothing at a lower price
Image credits: Bihor Couture
People can purchase clothes from local craftsmen thus supporting them directly
Image credits: Bihor Couture
The video below shows what Bihor’s fashion critics have to say about Dior’s clothing
Image credits: Bihor Couture
The people spoke out about the issue too:
Got wisdom to pour?
Such outfits will look much more interesting than those that are familiar and boring in a romantic or business style. Don’t be afraid to mix several styles at once in one image, play with materials and textures. Why not combine sneakers with a business suit, a jacket with track pants, and classic mid-length skirts with a hoodie? You can complement your look with quality replicas, there is a huge variety here https://richmondarc.org/
There was the same situation in 2018 with Tory Burch… https://www.romaniajournal.ro/spare-time/romanian-traditional-coat-copied-by-designer-tory-burch/