25 Reasons People Decided To Cut Off Someone They Considered A Friend
Adages like “With friends like these, who needs enemies”, came into existence because the mentioned warning was such a common occurrence that it got coined on as a popular phrase. Because let’s face it, not everyone knows how to be a good friend and sometimes we end up taking a bite of those rotten apples until we realise one day that it’s been slowly poisoning us all along.
Sadly, it happens more often than we realise as we try to give toxic people the benefit of the doubt, but sooner or later, the truth comes out. Not every person in your life wishes to see you succeed, or is willing to support you no matter your circumstances. Scroll below to read a host of stories from Thread users who recently revealed how they found out that a so-called “friend” was actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing just waiting for the chance to attack.
Image source: yanadracoo, EyeEm / freepik
When I was asleep in the car after drinking with my panties showing, and they posted it on their public story, not even in the close friends
Image source: hairbyjenniferrosenyc, freepik
When I called her ten times over the course of six hours and she never picked up or called me back. And then proceeded to not come to my child’s funeral. Which was the reason for the ten calls.
Image source: laurahamilton.cancan, halayalex / freepik
Over heard her when we were on vacation abroad together. Heard loud and clear her mocking me. She never knew I knew. Then noticed how often she made ” negging” comments in my direction. When we got back to our home country I went no contact. It has been 8 years and I have zero regrets
Image source: justjenifr, Takaya18 / Reddit
When I made a custom Sonic the Hedgehog cake for her sons birthday and she deliberately gave me the wrong address. Then when I got to the right place I found out she bought a cake from the store. I sent her pictures of the progress all morning and she said nothing.
Image source: dpt_to_do, freepik
When I bought my first house, they made fun of me not having a lot of furniture constantly… constantly… Meanwhile, I bought my first house.
Image source: prettyfairy.v, freepik
When I got assaulted by her bf’s best friend and tried to justify his actions
Image source: symbolofdiscipline, stockking / freepik
We were in college. Broke, but ambitious. Always talking about dreams, success, and how we’d make it big together.
Or so I thought.
One day, I landed a small freelance gig. Nothing major, but enough to cover a few meals and celebrate. Excited, I told him.
His response? A forced smile. A half-hearted “Nice, bro.” Then silence.
I brushed it off—maybe he was having a bad day.
But then it kept happening. Every win I shared, he downplayed. Every struggle, he magnified. When I failed, he was weirdly comforting. When I won, he disappeared.
The final straw?
I overheard him at a party. Telling someone I’d “just gotten lucky” and “wasn’t that smart.”
That’s when I knew. He never wanted me to succeed—he just wanted me to stay small.
I left that night and never looked back. Best decision I ever made.
And here’s the crazy part… Once I walked away, my life leveled up fast. New opportunities. Better people. More success. It was like I had been carrying dead weight for years.
Some people aren’t your friends—they’re just keeping you from becoming who you’re meant to be.
Image source: oliviabrynnreads, freepik
In highschool, when I was being bullied so badly I wanted to 💀, she stayed friends with the bullies “because they weren’t mean to her.” I stayed friends with her because I loved her.
But then 10 years later, as I finally started to find my confidence, she told me I needed to “get off social media” and stop posting about books because people wouldn’t take me seriously as a mom. 🤯
I finally ended the friendship.
Image source: this_is_cee, EyeEm / freepik
When she said “We obviously see our relationship differently.” She called my parents/grandparents family, she didn’t need permission to come for meals or sleepovers, we’ve been “sisters” since babies, and then 30+ years later I’m misunderstanding that? I’ll never forgive that level of hurt.
Image source: mackenzieheflin_, SkelDry / freepik
When she handed me her phone to read through texts with a boyfriend & I scrolled up too far & saw “no I literally hate Mackenzie. She’s the worst friend ever.”
I cut it off & didn’t speak another word to her
Image source: mohalyak, EyeEm / freepik
When I was struggling and unemployed she used to call me every day to talk. We had been best friends for 5 years and roommates in college. I loved her like a sister. Then I got a job and I LOVED it. Suddenly she stopped calling. Kept canceling on me. Finally one day I realized it and I asked, were you just keeping me around to feel better about yourself? She replied “yes”
Last time we spoke.
Image source: elidet.smiles, rawpixel.com / freepik
After I started losing weight, she said I lost water weight. Even though the photos showed progress.
When I said I landed a new deal for my upcoming magazine, she said she didn’t want to talk about that.
I was like, wtf?
I ignore her like the bad seed that is, and the friends that she hangs out with now bad mouth her a lot. I say nothing. Not my business
Image source: beautifulldri, EyeEm / freepik
When I told her I got into nursing school all excitedly and she said with a stone face “so?”
Image source: jadegbbs, abshubo / freepik
When she got mad because she once asked me to arrange her gender reveal and I was like: “YES GIRL.” I was so happy, she told me about their pregnancy before her man (none of my business). And suddenly there was a post on IG saying they were expecting a girl. So I texted her: OMG CONGRATULATIONS!! Do you still want like, the gender reveal party for your family? Considering they’re not on IG?
And I just: Ok 🤐
And then I got removed and blocked everywhere by both her and her partner. Mind you this was my best friend and godmother to my child 🙃 I had also done some preps for the party, like ordered a he/she cake, got games for during the gender reveal, so I had invested money in this and I?? Yeah
Image source: coldbrewfae, freepik
When she was my maid of honor but i’m not even one of her bridesmaids
Image source: sincerelylita, gstockstudio / freepik
When I got engaged and instead of saying congratulations she asked how? You’re so mean how did someone propose to you she asked. I’ve known her since 14 yrs old.
Image source: heydrdee, lookstudio / freepik
When I went on a all inclusive vacation and she said to me, “You don’t deserve that”.
Image source: celestelior, EyeEm / freepik
I had a friend who moved to another state. I kept 2 of her kids for 6 weeks so they could finish their school year. She’d come in town on weekends and clean their rooms / bathroom restock their snacks etc. One weekend she went to a concert with another one of her friends – didn’t tell me or ask if I wanted to go and left the boys at home with me. Keep in mind they lived with me for free. I never got kicked down a few hundred bucks or anything.
Her reason for not inviting me she didn’t know if I liked the artist 😒. I forgave her because grace…She has been back to the city multiple times and I only found out she was here via FB. She always told me people are s***ty and that I don’t need a lot of friends what she was saying was she was s***ty and she wasn’t my friends but if my dumb ass was going to help her then oh well 😒 She called me Sister as well…go figure lol
Image source: artisthaileyhodge, zinkevych / freepik
When I came down with a bad virus with a fever and endless diarrhea so I couldn’t attend her gender reveal party. She blamed me for not being there for her… and honestly any doctor would have said for me to stay away because it is a mortal sin to purposely bring an illness like that around a pregnant lady! Not sure she has forgiven me yet. And I had to cry over being sick AND losing a friend for it.
Image source: whoisraphaelleraux, fxquadro / freepik
Welp… When I was 19, my best friend put a gun to my head while we were at the club because he wanted to impress some cartel dude we were acquainted with
He thought showing that he’s willing to do whatever would make them want to put him on
They didn’t. They thought he looked crazy and showed that he had no loyalty so they cut him off completely and blacklisted him from their club
Image source: morganthebayer, diana.grytsku / freepik
When my car broke down outside her work and she chose to go to the bar instead of giving me a ride home
Image source: kutlo___, pressmaster / freepik
Last minute invites. Never supported my business. Never went to my Mom’s funeral…secretly dated my then boyfriend….list is lengthy
Image source: exotically_made, goffkein / freepik
When she set me up to be SA’d after blacking out from my drink being spiked in her house. I found out the next day she gave permission for the guy to come into the room and lock the door while I was blacked out. Didn’t come to the hospital with me to support me and I found out the same night she was with my attacker and cousins playing cards. I supported this woman with her child, she had been around my children and I was a GOOD friend to her. Hard lesson learnt.
Image source: j_astrobean, The Yuri Arcurs Collection / freepik
When she took sides with my a***ive ex.
Image source: cookingwitnia, zinkevych / freepik
They kept planning things without me & purposely leaving me out of things.
Got wisdom to pour?