25 Photos That Show The Joy Of Living In A Tiny Home

Published 10 months ago

With the rising cost of real estate, most folks have resorted to living in tiny spaces. These 400-square-foot small homes are often easier to maintain, practical and quite cosy to boot. They are ideal for people who are tired of sprawling mansions and want to enjoy a more minimalistic lifestyle. The trend has quite a fanbase as evidenced by the r/TinyHouses subreddit . 

Scroll below to check out a few photos of compact living that community members have shared. Who knows it may even inspire you to make a change to your living space as most of these tiny homes are also designed in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner.

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#1 I Would Love To Live Here !

Image source: ryan5648

Sue Denham: I’d live there for the library.

#2 I Really Like These Tiny Homes

Image source: ryan5648

Sue Denham: I just know I’d roll out of bed and it wouldn’t end well.

#3 Location, Location, Location…this Is Crazy!

Image source: JerseyGuyonReddit

Cleo Bean: I’d be worried about floods.

#4 Completed Tiny House Finally!

Image source: Sweethang190

My family has been cooperatively working on building a tiny house for my sister over the past five years. I know it sounds like a long time but we could only do 4-5 weekends of work every year due to how far away I live. And then covid. The trailer and frame (with roof installed and sub siding, but no windows or anything else installed) came from Tumbleweed back when they sold the Barn Raiser unfinished tiny homes. We took on all of the labor ourselves though we did hire an electrician and then a spray-foam installer. My mom even made the cushions and drapes! All in all my sister is super pleased with how it came out and will be towing it to it’s new home this fall. My cat (the black one in the photos) is going to be sad to see it go.

#5 Furniture I Made For My Tiny House

Image source: Quantity-Worldly

#6 1917, 1 Bed 1 Bath, ~750sqft. Just Paid Off This Month!!

Image source: Nit3fury

Xenia Harley: That’s the nice thing about a smaller house. I moved almost three years ago and went with a 780 sq ft house. I have ten acres and a barn for my horses, and really, in ten or so years, it will be paid off!

#7 My Tiny Home And Quarantine Oasis :)

Image source: Oreococaine

Upstaged75: Now this is my dream tiny home!

#8 Felt Like This Should Go Here

Image source: TruckThunders00

cerinamroth: So you sit on the sofa and watch water dripping into a sink? Oh no, it’s a basket with some random white objects in

#9 Still A Heap To Finish But I Love My Kitchen

Image source: Jbuckl3y

Ashara Love: Love the counters. I’m going to go with all bamboo, unless the wood is reclaimed. But yours is GORGEOUS. I love the shape and curve.

#10 I Love The Kitchen In This Tiny House

Image source: ryan5648

xolitaire: Yeah, it looks nice. But practicality is 0. My mother lives in a very small house that was built for one person – and her kitchen is similar to this one. The way these tiny kitchens are designed is terrible, there is literally not enough free work surface for anything because the appliances eat up all the space.

#11 I Like This Simple Tiny House..no Internet.. Just Calmness

Image source: kissedbloom

PrettyJoyBird: The outside view is giving off held against their will vibes

#12 The Exterior Of This Tiny House Is One Of The Best I’ve Seen In A While! So Cute

Image source: JerseyGuyonReddit

Nora12It is cute on the outside, but less cute inside (they are just using it as a shed) but it would be cool to see someone remodel the interior http://artofgardeningbuffalo.blogspot.com/2016/07/a-tour-inside-taj-ma-shed.html

#13 Things Have Really Come Together On Our Build

Image source: thesaltyham

xolitaire: This one is nice! also rails!

#14 Since You All Like To See “Lived In” Spaces – Clutter For Karma

Image source: rhampotheca

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: This is what I want to see. What do the tiny houses look like after they’ve been lived in for awhile.

#15 I Built My Tiny House For Less Than $20k

Image source: sarahrose720

#16 333 Sq Ft Built By Me

Image source: freddyblang

Casey Smith: Great layout! Impressive

#17 I Could Spend My Whole Summer Here! Who Has Ever Stayed At/Built/Lived In A Floating Tiny House Before?

Image source: JerseyGuyonReddit

kissmychakram: Doesn’t look that tiny. Does look glorious.

#18 All I Need!

Image source: Stupidnickname94

Orange Frosting: I love the light in this one, and the light-colored walls

#19 Gorgeous Tiny House In Mexico That I Found On Airbnb!

Image source: reddit.com

Nora12: I think this is beautiful. Here is a website that tells you more about it. https://stuccco.com/blog/tour-the-mexican-tiny-house-set-by-the-sea-photos

#20 Self-Built, No Experience, 2 Yrs Almost Done!

Image source: farseen

Shelli Aderman: All of these lofts need railings! 🤣

#21 I Built A Playhouse For A Family In Oh, And Now I Want To Build It In Full Scale For My Actual House

Image source: AwkwardMethod

OneWithRatsAndKefir: A playhouse! Oh, to have been the child of a rich family…

#22 Thank You Humans For Cleaning My Domain

Image source: wowbuckthat

#23 Building My Cob House. Two Hands And A Dream

Image source: soundandsoil

Chocolate llama: Tatooine vibes

#24 My Tiny House I Started Building Exactly A Year Ago! Moved In Last August

Image source: datGfromNextDoor

#25 Been Living In My Tiny House Almost A Year Now, No Regrets!

Image source: DeliriousAdeleide

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



compact living, minimalist, small homes, small living spaces, small spaces, tiny homes, tiny houses, tiny spaces