Server Went On Tiktok To Voice Out His Complaints About Customers Who Tipped Too Little, Triggered Opposing Reactions
In the past, we have written two articles that show the unique things about the United States. You can read them by clicking here and here. It is worth noting that tipping is mentioned in both articles. Thus, we can argue that the tipping culture in the United States is relatively mainstream, whereas some countries might only have it optional.
In America, servers earn mostly from the tips that come from their customers. That is what made Ben Raanan, a server, rant on Tiktok about some customers who do not tip accordingly. See what he has to say below and how netizens reacted. Also, do tell us what you think of his action in the comments!
More info: TikTok
One server, Ben Raanan, recently called out customers on TikTok for leaving small tips
Image credits: blazikenben
Got wisdom to pour?
Nah. Try organizing against your employers or not accepting jobs with a poor base pay. Your bad wage is not the public’s fault–or rather, it is, but only because they continue to allow themselves to be shamed into subsidizing shady practices through tipping culture. It’s time to put an end to this. It’s time for restaurant industry workers to do something about it. Stop pushing blame onto customers instead of your employers. It’s not fun and cute to blame the wrong people for your problems.
America is the only nation that does this. Restaurants should pay a decent wage, charge prices to cover the cost, and not expect customers to tip.
Spoiled rotten. Entitled. Tips are a gratuity based on performance. Tipping has gotten out of hand.
America is the only country that does this. Pay the workers a decent wage, charge prices that cover the costs appropriately, and don’t expect customers to throw random wads of cash on top of it.
Getting right down to cases here, this waiter doesn’t do any more work for that $200 meal compared to a $50 meal. The value of the food on the plate makes no difference to how the order is taken or the food is served. Why should the customer pay four times the tip for identical service?