40 Cool Finds In Thrift Stores That May Tempt You To Try Your Luck
Thrifting offers numerous benefits, including saving money, reducing environmental impact, and simply enjoying the hunt. However, one often overlooked advantage is stumbling upon unexpected treasures.
We’ve compiled stories of some of the most fascinating and serendipitous discoveries people have made at thrift stores, vintage shops, and garage sales. From striking furniture pieces to one-of-a-kind knick-knacks, these finds showcase the thrill of uncovering something truly special while browsing secondhand goods.
#1 I Did Not Need A Cookie Jar But There Was No Walking Away From This Silly Gal. A good friend recommended I make her a tutu, so I did, of course. Now the hippo has a name – Stella – and has taken over the house
Image source: Jennifer Kingman
#2 Been Meaning To Share My Sons Rocking Dragon. My Father And I Found It On The Facebook Market Place Two Christmas Ago When I Was Pregnant
Image source: Jamie Settell
“By the time I reached out to the seller it was sold. I was so bummed until Christmas morning and found out it was my dad who purchased it. I had no idea he even knew about it. He had no idea I also tried to buy it.
It is made entirely out of wood. The craftsman ship is remarkable. The previous owner said their grandmother won it at a church auction and it had been in their family for a long time and they know nothing about it or who made it. Not signed or marked anywhere. It is now our family’s treasure and will be passed down.”
#3 Found This At A Goodwill Today. Too Good
Image source: Jonny N Emerick
#4 Duckie Mirror Absolutely Came Home With Me
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#5 Y’all, My Local Bin Dig Store Had A Fill-A-Cart For $10 Sale, So I Started Filling Up On Small Toys To Hand Out At Halloween
Image source: Amanda L. Richards
I grabbed this fake credit card, because it said James Bond on it. This morning, I noticed there was a slider on the back and opened it.
It’s a freaking LOCK PICKING SET!!!
ETA: I am definitely keeping this!
#6 Found A Cat Sized Tiara For My Princess
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#7 This Came Home With Me. It’s Brilliant And Well Crafted
Image source: Emily Erin
#8 Hand-Carved African Bed, You Immediately Spend Your Entire Stimulus Check To Bring It Home
Image source: Jeremy DiMaio
From a social distancing-compliant yard sale in Mechanicsville, VA… When someone is selling their intricate, one-of-a-kind, hand-carved african bed, created from teak logs found at the bottom of a kenyan river, you immediately spend your entire stimulus check to bring it home (as I did)
#9 I Found This Little Birb Thimble At An Antique Store In Gatlinburg And Fell In Love
Image source: Kelli Dunn
Now I just walk around with it on my finger and peck at people because I’m clearly an adult that has their priorities straight
#10 We Moved Into A Vintage 1962 House With Everything Original. This Dollhouse Was Built Into The Cabinets In One Of The Rooms And I Was Gifted It To Keep Safe And Enjoy. Mary built this over a ten year period while she was sick
Image source: Emily Millar
#11 My Greatest Thrift Find Ever. When I Bought It I Only Thought The Dots Would Glow. I Was Shocked When I Turned It On!! Best $10 I Ever Spent. Hope House Foundation Thrift Shop, Norfolk Va
Image source: Hannah Marie
#12 My Best Thrifted Find. I Especially Loved The Previous Owners Little Message, As It’s Now Used As An Art Studio In A Box
Image source: Melissa Charpentier
#13 Found This Amazing “Phrenology Cat”. Immediately Fell In Love And Knew He Had To Come Home And Be Part Of My Eclectic Mix In My Art Studio!
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#14 Pictures Don’t Do Her Justice. I Am Elated With Today’s Buy. Found In An Antique Store In South Of UK
Image source: Dorothy Alice Van Moppes
#15 I Found This Old TV When Cleaning Out In The Attic In My Grandma’s House. They put in under a blanket to keep it away from dust and I think it has been there for over 40 years. Instead of throwing it away I took it with me and built a bar. You can store 12 bottles in it and turn on the light with the original on/off button hope you like it
Image source: Thomas Schlund
#16 Teeny Tiny Fully Functional Knife With Mother Of Pearl Handle. I got this year’s ago at a garage sale and it lives on a shelf next to my bed. You know for protection against leprechauns, gnomes and fairies
Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds
#17 Stumbled On This At A Yard Sale In Pa I Almost Crashed And Couldn’t Turn Around Fast Enough Lol, I Lucked Out It Fits Perfect!
Image source: Mike Witkowski
#18 Griswald Definitely Approves Of This Garage Sale Find
Image source: Elisabeth Guetle
#19 Last Weekend, As I’m Going Into This Antique Store On A Whim, I Jokingly Tell Myself “Maybe There’s A Lenox Spice Village In Here Just Waiting For Me To Take It Home.”
Image source: Heather Eck
I explore about 3/4 of the store and look over at a junky shelf of stuff while squeezing past it and ***squeeeeeal*** I spot adorable little ceramic houses thinking “COULD THIS BE IT?”
IT WAS A SPICE VILLAGE, complete with the original paperwork and shelf!!! I immediately run to get a hand basket and gingerly place all the houses inside and sprint to the checkout counter to purchase my FAVORITE antique store purchase EVER!!
It ended up having one jar missing, but I found it on Etsy and snatched it up so fast!
Also, I only have one tiny wall in my tiny kitchen, and would you believe this beauty fits perfectly on it?!?!?
#20 Found The Oddest But Most Perfect Leash/Lead For Our Little Dachshund Today In The Local Charity Shop
Image source: Katherine Rea
#21 Was In A Thrift Store With My Partner When I Saw This Painting
Image source: Erin Anne
Thought it was just abstract, until closer inspection, when we saw the “About the artist” paper taped to the painting – it was painted by a snapping turtle named marshmallow! I knew at that moment I needed to take it home with me
#22 Pulled Up To A Friends House And Her Neighbor Had This Thrown Out By The Road In The Rain. I Had To Swoop In And Save The Day With This Unique Unicorn Of A Flippy Chair Table. “The cushion is soaking wet so its propped up against the wall not pictured”
Image source: Autumn Vaughn
#23 I See All Your Sassy Teapots, But I Think I Found Something Even More Sassy. I Present To You All The Sassy Grandfather Clock!
Image source: Jessie Finn
#24 After Decades Of Weird Gifts From My Cousin, Who Shops Exclusively At Thrift Stores, He Scored A Treasure. I Call Them My “Cavorting Frogs.” I Love Them!
Image source: Susan Murray
#25 Found This Really Cool Giant Book Coffee Table On Facebook Marketplace Yesterday. The “Spines” Open As Drawers. Each Book Is Actually Leather Bound. “It’s HUGE and heavy as heck! It’s missing one leg but I think I’ll prop it up with hardcover books”
Image source: Birdie Wood
#26 I Lost My Boston Terrier, Ollie, To Old Age This Summer And I’m Pretty Sure I Found Him At Goodwill Today As Christmas China
Image source: Sarah Taschetta
#27 This Stain Glass Whale Light Measuring 4′ Long Was Going To Be Thrown In A Dumpster
Image source: Chris Braga
It was hanging in a wood shop so it was covered with a thick layer of saw dust. I brought it home and cleaned it up really well and it turned out looking really nice. I love whales and I’m extremely happy to have saved this beautiful one of a kind piece of art from being destroyed. It’s in it’s forever home!
#28 Not Necessarily A ‘Find’ But Today My Uncle Gave Me This Chair, Which He Got From His Uncle Years Ago, Who I Believe Bought It In The 60s Or 70s. I’ve loved this chair since I was a child and was so excited when he offered it to me
Image source: Holly Murphy
#29 Picked Up These Cast Iron Cat Andirons Up From My Buy Nothing Group. I Can’t Wait To See Them With The Flames Behind The Eyes!
Image source: Valerie Marino Horowitz
#30 My Great, Great, Grandmothers Table From Mexico
Image source: Angelica Mendoza-Carrillo
My great grandmother brought it to TX when she came to the US and she gave it to my grandmother when she and my abuelo bought their first house. My grandma passed it on to my mom when she bought her first house. I’ve lived all over the US and the table was too delicate to ship but I knew some say I’d get that table. I bought my first house (20 years after my travels) last year when I moved back home and this was one of the first items I moved into the house. My mom and I cried as we brought it in and set it up. My family had so little when they came to the US but this table was always there. To drink cafe con pan and talk chisme (gossip), to cry, to discuss difficult decisions and to celebrate anything and everyone. Oh the stories this table could tell. Makes me so proud to be a part of this long line of strong resilient amazing women
#31 I Rescued This Incredible Globe From The Trash, It’s About 20” Tall And Handcrafted With Semi-Precious Stones And A Brass Base
Image source: Pete Anthonius Leggio
#32 I Asked The Price. The Man Said $20. I Was Shocked. I Thought He Meant $120. He told me he’d gladly accept more, so I threw the $20 at him and ran. No joke, I literally ran away with this beauty like I stole it
Image source: Tommie Taylor Alexander
#33 Found Today At King’s Hardware In Shreveport, La. Came Home With Me Immediately! Nibbler The Cat Is Getting Properly Introduced
Image source: Abbie Machowski
#34 Picked Up On The Side Of The Road A Few Weeks Ago. It Is A Victorian Era Conversation Setee, For Courting Couples. The Weird Thing Is That It Was On The Side Of The Road With A Bunch Of Junk
Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared
#35 I’ve Collected These Pieces From Various Thrift Shops, Antique Stores, And Yard Sales Over The Years. Some Are True Depression Glass From The 30s And Some Are Mid-Century
Image source: Collie McYeargan
#36 Got This Coffee Table At An Estate Sale Today! Ridiculously Excited About This. I Loooove Turtles!
Image source: Marcy Medeiros Crocker
#37 I Like To Believe Someone’s Grandma Worked Really Hard On This! I Feel So Lucky To Own It!
Image source: Kelsey Johnson
#38 Had To Spruce Her Up A Bit
Image source: Amber Jones
#39 Found This Very Happy Piggy Today! I Couldn’t Resist, She Now Lives With Me
Image source: Christine Kaminski Lukasavige
#40 This Was Hand Made In The Seventies And Is One Of A Kind! Bought It Second Hand And Finally Got It Into My Space Today
Image source: Kiely Quinn
It’s so gorgeous and the details are amazing. I’m an herbalist and I’m going to use it as a magical herbal storage hutch. I thought it needed to be seen and appreciated here with all of you creative lovely treasure hunters!
Got wisdom to pour?
just like the stupid trend with car meaning cat