10+ Incredible Examples Of Time Wearing Things Down (New Pics)

Published 7 years ago

It’s always hard to notice the gradual change that time makes, but the stark difference stands out when comparing the before and after states of things.

From worn off teddies to buildings, to people’s faces – nothing can fight the power that time has. In the list below you’ll find some impressive examples of how time influences the looks of everything that surrounds us. To find more similar pictures, check out our first post here.

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#1 How Time Just Flies By

Image source: Import

#2 This Whole Brick Wall Which Has Been Shaped By The Sea

Image source: Love_Land90

#3 In 1995, My Great-Aunt Gave Me A Stuffed Cat. It Was My Absolute Favorite, And Slept With Me Every Night Through My Childhood. When She Passed, We Found Out She Had Bought An Identical Cat And Kept It In Pristine Condition For Two Decades. The Years Of Love Certainly Left Their Mark.

Image source: Connguy

#4 Picture Of The Same Woman Before And After 48 Years

Image source: Bobby Neel Adams

#5 Mother Tombstone In The Old Burying Ground, Wakefield, Ma. Love How The Tree Is Now Hugging Her

#6 Centuries Of Use (La Meauffe, Manche, France)

Image source: 20WaysToEatASandwich

#7 A Boy Who Gone To War In 1914 And Never Came Back Home Left His Bicycle Chained To A Tree

Image source: Ethan Welty

#8 My Dads Cat Has Been Scratching The Same Leg Of This Bench For The Past Decade

Image source: VitaminTHC420

#9 The Way The Floor Has Faded In Near Perfect Semi-Circles At This Barber Shop

Image source: maosaysmiao

#10 Trinity Abbey In My Home Town, Mid-Cleaning

Image source: emissaryofwinds


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decay, Old Things, things worn over time, time, used things, wear and tear, worn down