30 Great Things That Aged Incredibly Poorly, Shared In This Online Thread
It’s no surprise that things change as time goes by – yet as some things only get better as they get older, others age no better than milk. And while we can’t really bring back the “good old days”, at least we can look back and ponder what went wrong.
Recently, one Reddit user sparked a heated debate after asking people “What’s a thing that used to be great but has now become really bad?”. And even though the thread received a number of controversial replies, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree to the majority of them. See some great things that aged incredibly poorly shared by Reddit users in the gallery below!
Image source: MissFunkyH
Internet in general. I used to be able to search Google for a subject and then get a list of reliable websites to read from. Now it’s 99% crap infomercials/ad ridden sites that all want to sell me things I don’t need.
Image source: RedBeardedMex
Appliances. Used to be made to last. Now they’re just made to last the warranty.
Image source: mrsbundleby
The history Channel. I used to watch it in the 2000s. Now it’s all swamp people and aliens
Image source: real_voiceofreason
Flying. From the incredible shrinking seat, crazy people, covid, no food, baggage fees, carry on fees to questions about planes safety.
Image source: ststeveg
Patriotism. It used to feel like a good thing to be proud of my country, to be grateful for the blessings of living here, trusting that our government is at least trying to do the right thing. But now this has devolved into this nasty “My country first, best, and alone” crap, all others are bad, wrong, and are enemies. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Image source: LifeIsDuff
My knees
Image source: dogbert730
Cooking websites. Everyone knows the struggle of scrolling through 273 paragraphs of bulls**t before getting to the recipe, but now some actual antichrist websites are putting a 2nd page inside the first where after you get past the 273 paragraphs it’s like “now click here for the recipe”. Rage inducing.
Image source: Brandon74130
Streaming services online, Netflix was op back in the day, now you have to have 15 different services if you want to watch all your shows
Image source: Madpoka
Hollywood. They ran out of ideas.
Image source: nicolioni
Amazon. It’s slowly turning into Wish.
Image source: Sure-Top-4676
MTV. It was so good back in the 90s. Actual music videos, shows that featured artists, MTV Unplugged, Daria, Beavis and Butthead, Aeon Flux, TRL, Celebrity Death Match… Then Pimp My Ride and Cribs were pretty fun though it was the start of reality tv style shows
Image source: MWBPLH
Thrifting. All the rich kids ruined it.
Politics – it was never great, but there’s no room for two people with different views to actually talk. It’s not a sports team, why is everybody so entrenched and angry.
Image source: roberthart327
Image source: LowerCanary
Image source: Hrnghekth
Entering the workforce and saving up. Never was great in my lifetime, but I’ve heard stories of people buying their first house after like 2 years of saving. That’s just a fantasy these days.
Image source: SloDancinInaBrningRm
The search to buy your first home used to be exciting and filled with choices. Now it’s “take it or leave it” overpriced homes you can’t afford, in a terrible neighborhood. Or continue paying your super high rent.
I used to love a good conspiracy theory – UFO cover ups and so forth – but now its just these redneck crazies crowding into the most outlandish shit ones like microchips and lizard people.
Image source: GoodAndBluts
Image source: r_psy6
How United States are perceived in europe
Image source: MegaZombieMegaZombie
My mental health
Image source: NaturalBoonie
The air. Literally breathing in pollutants.
Image source: Igothisway
Being able to go outside. Maybe not so much in the cities, but in the suburbs there was all these open fields and forests to go into, you could stay out till the sun went down just riding your bike. Now those fields and forests are paved over and turned into a strip mall. Those big areas with playgrounds? Bulldozed for some shitty half-assed jungle gym.
Can’t go out on the streets anymore. Kids get the cops called on them constantly. So much more private property too.
And if you wanna go somewhere that isn’t outside, you better cough up some money. Every place charges you to be there now. And not for long.
Image source: aodskeletor
Top Gear
Image source: rich4pres
Image source: roegdgdfgdf
Not being busy. Not constantly “hustling” or trying to do it all. Not “living for the weekend.” Down time can be a good thing.
Image source: sremcanin
When I was young life was awesome. Friends, fun, adventure, meeting people, partying, sex, music.
Now it’s all work until you can’t work anymore, sleep, work some more.
Image source: Goof-Off-Corpse
Image source: Last-Two-6780
To be honest, quality of work in professional settings.
Image source: downtownbake2
Cars. They used to be awesome. Affordable. And fixable. Now they’re the cheapest pieces of crap and highly overcharged. They’re faster than they used to be maybe but the cost isn’t worth the parts. And they fail so easily.
Image source: Hugebluestrapon
Image source: BlueonBlack26
Radio. Wth are they playing now?
Got wisdom to pour?