People Are Listing Things That Sound Stupid But Actually Work (20 Pics)

Published 5 years ago

You can spend hundreds of dollars on motivational books and seminars by self-proclaimed “life coaches” but sometimes the best pieces of advice come from the most unexpected places. Just recently, Reddit user NecessaryPrudence asked people to share some things that are stupid but actually work and received hundreds of useful pieces of advice you’d never find inside any book. The user’s original thread got almost 12,000 upvotes and over 4 k comments in a little over a month, and it’s an absolute goldmine of good advice.

Check out a collection of stupid things that actually work in the gallery below!

More info: Reddit

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Image source: DFSdog

Stay at least a year behind in technology and gaming. Better, yet, two. You’ll save a s**t-ton of money.


Image source: _A_ioi_

I work in a hospital and when I’m doing something scary I tell kids that whatever they do they must not laugh.


Image source: GreenSalsa96

Feeling tired, headache, muscle cramps? Drink water. It is amazing how many people walk around in a state of dehydration. Water is an amazing fluid that solves a lot of problems.


Image source: ElBeatch

Putting a piece a duct tape on your bike seat so people won’t steal it.

Who wants to try and sell a potentially ripped bike seat, let alone buy one.


Image source: DeadSharkEyes

I’ve worked in mental health for years. I can’t tell you how many people tell me what a good listener I am..because I just shut up and let people talk.

It’s not rocket science, but the large majority of people just want to feel like their voices are being heard. Too many therapists and providers don’t know how to be quiet and stop loving the sound of their own voices.


Image source: flyting1881

If you want someone you don’t know well to like you, ask them for a small favor.

When I get new coworkers I go out of my way to ask them for something little, like borrowing a stapler or giving an opinion on something I’m working on.

Then they feel like they can ask me for something next time they need help, and soon I’ve tricked them into thinking I’m a nice person.

I don’t know why it works but it does.


Image source: readerf52

I don’t even know what made them think of it, but some researchers filled iPods for their elderly, confused clients with their favorite music. When they listen to the music, they are calm, recognize people better and are generally more cognizant.


Image source: tminor787

My aunt puts her expensive jewelry in a zip lock bag, and her cheap jewelry in the jewelry boxes. She apparently had a lot of her jewelry stolen in the past by family. She now only has the cheap stuff stolen.


Dressing well at work. You can be an amazing worker but people really do judge you by how you look. And by well I mean looking put together and professional. This applies for trades/blue collar work as well as white collar. I’ve worked both.

Image source: lefouillyDarrell Jesonis


Image source: essenkay

Taking a shower to remedy any ailment. Prescribed by my mother. Headache? Take a shower. Anxious? Go take a shower with lavender. Have a cold? Get in the shower with Vix vapor rub. It’s not a cure all, but I guarantee it always makes me feel less bad than before.


Image source: Zedfourkay

If you think someone is following you, literally act as crazy and stupid as you can. It is so stupid but the other person is usually so freaked out they leave you alone


Image source: boyvsfood2

For me personally, I make a to-do list but put like 3 or 4 things that are just mind-numbingly simple. I knock them out, cross them off, feel productive, and feel motivated to hammer out the tougher pieces.


Image source: stoneyevora

Putting hand sanitizer on bug bites. It’s the most glorious feeling and it works better than any itch spray!


Image source: colmatrix33

If you think someone is watching you in a crowd, yawn. If they yawn too, they are watching you. Yawning is contagious!


Image source: skulltvhat

Telling your little kids to clean their room is a guaranteed way to get them to spend the day playing with their toys.


Image source: HouseFanatic64

My depression makes it hard for me to do chores on command, but I figured out that if I set a timer or give myself some time to psych myself up, then I do it. It doesn’t always work, but 85% of the time I end up succeeding, and it’s a huge leap from a few months ago when I just shut down over chores.


Image source: PolloMagnifico

“The Superhero Stance”

Stand up straight. Chest out, shoulder back, hands on hips, chin slightly elevated.

It’s so f**king stupid. But damned if you don’t start to believe your own fake superhero hype.


Image source: mference123

My anti-clothing static device. I think I learned about this on reddit.

I live in a dry climate and static cling was always a problem. I really dislike fabric softeners for multiple reasons, but this trick solved the problem.

Take an old cloth (mine is a cloth napkin) and pin 7-10 big safety pins to it. Just toss it in the dryer with your clothes. The safety pins hit the sides of the dryer, continually grounding your laundry.


Image source: worrymon

Smile when you talk on the phone and you sound much happier than you really are.


Image source: jollysystem75

Long story short: A boorish guy was bullying my grandfather at a movie theater. My grandpa turned around and literally blew air on his face. The man was so weirded out that he left the theater.

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



good advice, If It's Stupid But It Works, stupid things that work